Month: May 2011

  • Radiation Reaction & Prayers

    I haven't posted anything since . . .

    I don't know when!

    To say I had a reaction to the radiation treatments would be an understatement!

    I've been sick as a dog (however sick a dog gets).

    Fortunately, I had my last treatment on Tuesday of last week.

    I've been bedridden, in severe pain, dehydrated, had several IV's for the dehydration symptoms, on a B.R.A.T. diet, have blacked out and fallen (so many times, I can't count), and have missed Easter & Mother's Day celebrations. 

    I've put my family through all kinds of worry. 

    Jesse had to get up with me throughout the night (when my stomach was upset) to walk me to the  bathroom.  The first time I fell was when I went to lift up the toilet lid and fell forward, wedging myself between the toilet and the wall.  That time, I took the skin off of one knee and bent back my nails on one hand until they were bleeding.     He was scared to death to let me walk without assistance, after that. 

    So, like me, HE was up each night a dozen times. 

    Then he went to work the next morning. 

    Then he came home early to take me to another afternoon radiation appointment.

    He's been cook, laundry man, grocery shopper, parent, bread winner, bill payer, chauffeur, and part time home school teacher.

    WHAT A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     


    Like the last time they gave me radiation, I was told I was having an unusually strong reaction to such a small dose of radiation. 

    My stomach is slowly getting back to normal.  I have less pain when eating and can eat a greater variety of food, and the intestinal spasms are almost completely gone.  I'm so sick of grape or orange Gatorade - yet grateful for it, at the same time! 

    To any of you who (God forbid) should have to go through radiation treatments in the future, I'd tell you to make sure you have plenty of back up help - just in case.

    "Mild fatigue" and "possible diarrhea" was the only thing they mentioned in the beginning. 

    I braved my way through all of the treatments (with much encouragement from Jesse) and have had wonderful family and church support.

    I'm NOW experiencing fatigue (I sleep day and night) but would still like to ask for prayers, as I continue to heal from the damage the treatments caused.

    The good news (in this otherwise "downer" post) is that I just noticed, last night, I have absolutely *NO* lower back or hip pain!  Seriously - not even a little bit.  Before the treatments, I always hurt and I felt (at times) like my back was fractured.  The pain used to be *THAT* horrible. 

    So, yes, these horrendous treatments were worth the price. 


    I'm up today - fighting the desire to lay around on my bed napping and reading.  I think I've read 9 or 10 books since the radiation treatments started!  I have no where to go until tomorrow afternoon (my monthly bone medicine IV) and I'm liking the idea of staying home a WHOLE LOT!!!!!! 

    Please, any of you who are led, pray for my continued healing, recovery, and renewed strength.

    Thank you, and

    Be Blessed  ~