Month: February 2011

  • Hey! Anybody out there?

    Not because I have all kinds of interesting things to write about; but, because if I knew of someone having surgery, and then I didn't hear from them for a while, I'd be wondering what happened to them! 

    So, I write today to say "HELLO!" and not because I have much news!

    Today was my first day going out after my February 9th surgery.  In my last post you saw my teeth sitting on my camera lens cap instead of in my mouth.  Today was my dental appointment day.  I got out of my SUV and promptly fell on the ground in the dentist's parking lot!     Of course, that made Jesse immediately hold a tighter watch over me! 

    Yesterday was the first day I wore something besides my nightgown around the house.  

    I've been told staying in a nightgown makes you remember to rest in bed, and it also reminds family members not to let the recovering patient do too much!  I've been really good and "mainly" stayed in bed for 11 days.  Yesterday, the 12th day, I still made myself lie down and read my book for bit of time, in the late afternoon.

    We're surviving and scratching through pages of homeschool subjects.  I was able to do some health, character development, and read a story out loud in my recuperation bed.  The girls liked climbing up on the bed and having school there.  Beats the rigid sitting at the kitchen table!  School in bed was cozy! 

    The weather has been just beautiful.  Many of my days spent in bed were in a room with an open window. and a LOT of sunshine.  Tango, our cockatiel, also sat on the back porch, one day, and soaked up the fresh air and sun.  She was right outside my open window, and we talked to each other - much to her amusement (she couldn't see me)! 

    I'm going to go with JoAnn tomorrow to pick up a few things for Rissy's birthday presents.  Cards, some pretty ribbon, and then to another store to pick up a picture for her wall.  That's probably the extent of what I'm capable of doing. 

    Thursday, I have my 2 week check up with the surgeon.  I think this is the appointment where I'll be released to drive.  At least, I hope it is!

    I ordered the old testament of the Message Bible.  Didn't cost much through  I haven't been able to concentrate much to read it.  Instead, I've entertained myself with two "fluff" novels with no substance.  It's all my mind can hold right now and those meatier books, I ordered, will still be waiting for me when the dusty cobwebs are blown from my brain!!!  I read the "not so great books" out of obligation.  They were a gift and I felt like I needed to read them (or, at least TRY), or it would have been an insult to the giver.  The books are not "horrible," they are just Christian stories geared to a teen age girl . . . maybe?!!!!  

    The dentist office and the Sam's trip to pick up some food for Rissy's birthday (next Sunday) did me in.  I'm definitely not ready to go out dancing just yet!  I'm sure the little bit I have to do tomorrow will be plenty activity for me, again.  I hope next week will be stronger with a little more staying power.   Right now, I want to get off of here and put on my nightgown!

    The whole idea of staying in bed longer was to let the 92 million stitches INSIDE my body heal.  Hopefully, I've accomplished something good by resting.  I'm not known for my ability to be inactive!  AND, I have plenty well-meaning friends who are quick to remind me to do NOTHING until I see my doctor.  Hard as it is, I've done that very thing! 

    Be Blessed ~

  • My Bucket List

    I don't have much to write about.  Life in bed doesn't bring that much excitement into one's life!

    Staying in bed is the key to my recovery.  So, I must obey the doctor.  He released me to do whatever I could do without negative effects.  If something is hard for me, then I'm to wait another week.  But, MOSTLY, I'm to rest in bed for 2 weeks. 


    I took some bird pictures before my surgery.  The snow was on the ground and they were hiding in the trees.  Hence, my pictures aren't of the greatest quality!  The fact I'm an amateur photographer doesn't help!  The birds prefer my neighbor's yards.  I think the dogs scare them off from landing at our house!


    My camera is NOT by my bedside, encouraging me to rest and not jump up to take pictures of people and things!!!  Besides crowding my nightstand with things to help me recover, I also have a TV tray that Jesse brought in and loaded with necessary items. 


    I snagged another pink bucket (used for sponge bathing) from the hospital.  I'm not supposed to twist, reach, or lift/strain my body.  Everything has to be within easy grasp, or I'm to call in the troops for assistance!  My pink hospital bucket is well stocked with many things that are *NECESSARY* to me!  LOL!!!


    I have two lotions that I love to mix together.  One is lavender and the other is lemon.  I only use these fragrances on special occasions, so my nose is telling me I'm being pampered through this period of recovery!  The two fragrances (lemon & lavender) blended are very soothing to me.


    I had my pocket size "The Message" book (with New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs) at the hospital with me, and it remains on my "bucket list" of necessary items!


    Much to my delight, "The Message" (OLD testament) arrived today from with another book, "With Christ in the School of Prayer," by Andrew Murray.  I LOVE receiving new books!  I had ordered 4 other spiritual study books from Amazon, and they arrived the day after I came home from the hospital.  Books in the mail are like mini-surprise presents! 

    My bucket list also includes the remote to the TV, the telephone and my cell phone, Carmex (can't live without it!), cardboard to write on (supports my paper), pens, a gallon jug of water (must stay hydrated!), and other necessary items.

    It's my "bucket list," so to speak! 


    Chirper continues to be my always present and faithful little friend.  He never tires of standing guard over me in bed.  It makes me wonder how many angels are standing guard over my life, angels that I CAN'T SEE, but who are sent from God to comfort me!  How many things is God doing in my life, right now, that I can't see nor even glimpse in part?


    My sister-in-law from Tacoma, JoAnn, is here to help and my mother-in-law from Amarillo will soon be here to help, also.  My husband has been wonderful!  Such a sweet man and so willing to do whatever he can to keep me comfortable.  The girls are little angels and helpful servants.

    Yesterday, I sat at my desk a while and ate my breakfast while going through some envelopes.  Later I took a bath and washed my hair.  The combination was too much.  I shook like a leaf the remainder of the day and evening.  Who would have thought sitting at a desk and bathing would be "too much" activity?

    I slept for 12 hours last night!  I must have needed it.  Although I'm sitting at my desk now, I intend to to back to bed and read.


    So where are pictures of me?????

    I can't take any of me, right now.

    Because . . .


    My two fake teeth fell out again!!!! 

    Remember when they did that during my chemo therapy?!!!  I had warned the anesthesiologists to be careful when inserting the airway during surgery.  I have 3 little sores inside my cheek where I bit my lip.  I asked for Vaseline to put on my teeth so I wouldn't bite my lips and it took them forever to listen.  I assured them I knew the importance of not drinking before surgery, but I needed moisture on my gums and teeth.  I think when they put the airway in, my lip must have rolled under my top teeth, and then the airway rested on those two fake teeth.  Hence, they broke the morning after I arrived home while eating a scrambled egg tortilla roll up.  Yeah!  Not even a sub sandwich roll or pizza crust.  A simply scrambled egg tortilla!

    I can't go to the dentist to have it fixed, because I'm to stay in bed, for the most part, these next 10 days.  Getting out and lying in a dentist's chair isn't part of the plan!  And, I'm not in any kind of pain.  Just ugly and looking like a jack-o-lantern!!!!

    I should say adieu and go back to bed.

    Be Blessed  ~


  • I Made It!

    Well, I'm home and I made it through the surgery.  The surgeon was able to take out everything without making an incision through my stomach. 

    It was pretty hard, right after surgery, my lower back and neck (which give me aches & pains on a *good* day) were competing with my cut up and stitched insides, as far as the pain department. 

    Nurses were nice, but I was really, Really, REALLY glad Jesse spent the night.  I went home the next day (yesterday) and I'm to rest in bed for 2 weeks and begin trying small things.  If an activity doesn't make me hurt, I can do it.  If I feel bad afterwards, I need to wait a week and try again.

    Best part:  I GET TO TAKE BATHS!!!!!  I was so worried my relaxing time in the tub would be nixed for a while, but he said that was fine and so was laying on the heating pad for my back, or putting it on my abdomen. 

    I'm not supposed to be up much right now, but I wanted to write a quick note.

    Please pray for the pain.  If I allow a gap in my pain medications, I pay dearly for it.  It REALLY   hurts!

    Also, without an external incision I can see as a reminder, it's hard to remember to not reach, stretch, bend to pick up something etc. . . .   I'm not even supposed to lift my purse or Chirper! 

    It's so hard to remember that all the things I do automatically are not allowed for a while! 

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Surgery and Snow Storm

    I haven't had the time to update. 

    It's seems like weeks and weeks since I've written anything, here!


                                                           Cold and blowing snow last week.

    My hysterectomy is scheduled for tomorrow morning.  We have to be at the hospital at 5am (    )  and my surgery will be at 7am. 

    AND . . .

    We will be driving in the middle of another winter snow storm, very similar to the one we had last week.

                         A path cut in the snow to the grass area - for the doggies to go!    

    I saw my oncologist today and she has given me some "pain management" prescriptions for after the surgery.  Seeing that she just had a C-Section birth, 5 months ago, she is VERY sympathetic to any abdominal cutting. 

    I guess abdominal surgery is one of those things where, "you had to be there," to have adequate sympathy and empathy for another person having abdominal surgery of any kind.

    She knows what pain pills I'm on every day and she said the typical post-op pain pill prescription won't even begin to touch my pain.  I was very grateful for her stepping in to help me with a surgery that's not her own.


    I had a C-Section years ago when I lost a baby and it was a horrible thing to recover from.  I think I was only 34 or 35 years old.  This won't be as invasive as that surgery, but cutting things out of your body is "cutting things out of your body" anyway you look at it. 

    My friend, Lori K., directed me to a site called and I'd recommend that to anyone you know who is facing a hysterectomy.  All kinds of information there! 

    This time it won't be such an invasive surgery, but I'm no longer 35 years old.  I'll be 58 in April - definitely not the body of a 35 year old woman!

                                  This is the dog's path to the grass that began to melt away!
                                        The snow drifts covered our plastic yard chairs!


    I read, for quite a while last night, info at the HysterSisters site.  Much of the limitations and pain after surgery were brought back to my memory.  I don't know if I'll be kept more than one night at the hospital, but if I do, it is highly recommended that someone stay there with me the whole time.  They say the nursing staff is short of help, these days.  I'm sure it's EXTRA short when there is a winter storm advisory!  We have two numbers to call if we simply can't make it in the morning.  We'll probably try to leave between 4 & 4:30am.  I'm SO not a morning person! 

    Today, after the oncology appointment, Jesse took us out to Chili's for lunch.  I was craving a good burger and their Paradise Pie dessert.  Since this is my "last meal," I wanted it to be something I really liked. 

    After I come home from the hospital, I may only want Jell-O, applesauce, and Cream of Wheat for the first week or so.  Of course, I can have nothing to eat or drink after midnight, tonight.  Believe me, I ate enough, at lunch, to last a week!!!  LOL!


    Our last snow was gorgeous.  Lot's of drifts several feet high.  I'm including my pictures from that storm.  This next snow storm, moving in as I write, promises more of the same. 

    Maybe I'll have a hospital room with a view! 

    I know I'm not looking forward to the ride home over the bumpy, snow packed roads!  The idea sounds incredibly painful and I'm trying not to think about it.

    Little Bit was VERY concerned about the deep snow changes in our backyard.   He stood "guard" at the window all day!  He learned to jump up onto the window sill from the cat, Chirper!

    A funny story:

    One morning, Luci had JUST awakened and had come to the den, half asleep.  Jesse looked at her and said, "Hey, Luce, I'm glad you're awake.  I need you to help me shovel the back porch, okay?!" 

    She shook her head and went back to her bedroom. 

    The next time we saw her, she was in the den dressed like this!

                                   Yes, that's her blue nightgown under her coat and scarf!!!!!!!!


    JoAnn got here Sunday.  Jesse and the girls went to pick her up at Jesse's brother's house.  Frank is the brother who had all of the major health problems a few weeks ago.  JoAnn went there first to help out.  He is home, now, but still having to go in several days a week for dialysis and he's been left pretty weak.  Please keep praying for him.

    Also, please pray for a family member who is having their bladder removed, due to returning cancer.  Surgery is tomorrow, the same as mine.  It's a very private matter, so I am not disclosing a name, gender, or whose side of the family.  Pray that this family member's relationship with God is renewed and strengthened, that surgery is successful, and recovery time is minimal.  I know my friends understand my reason for being mysterious, and I also know you will pray.  Thanks, so much!


    Anyway, JoAnn is here at our house and Jesse won't be working, any more, so he can help me, while JoAnn takes care of the girls and household chores.  After reading on that site, last night, I was reminded of all the limitations this surgery will bring.  It's so important to allow the body to heal.


    I left so many things up in the air on my last post, but I can't remember everything, so I may edit this post, after reading my last one.

    This morning, I had a chance to tell someone, in the lab, at the cancer place, what God did for me with my cancer healing in 2009.  She praised God right along with me when I told her!  The doctor said my back continues to improve where the cancer once was eating away. 

    She is concerned about my lower back, but there has been a question, all along, about my lumbar spine.  She said once the hysterectomy healing is complete (6 - 8 weeks) I should come in and she'll have blood tests results and MRI pictures to compare.  All of my CAT scans of my organs looked just fine.  I've had low back pain for years and it *has* gotten slightly worse in recent years.  So, we'll see about all of her concerns NEXT month!  LOL! 


    l forgot to mention.  Our washer quit working.  Yes, the brand new fancy one!  It won't spin the water out of the tub.  The repairman was on the phone while Jesse ran a spin cycle and the man knew exactly what was wrong.  Because of last week's snow, the part he had ordered didn't come in.  The washer completely quit working on Sunday.  The repair will be made this coming Friday.  Eeeeeeeeeeek!  This is a house that does several loads of laundry each day!  There are two clothes hampers in the cold garage full of dirty clothes.  We'll have to wear our skirts twice and not change hand towels in the bathroom each day - anything to conserve our laundry.  That's nothing I should have to worry about, but I do think of ALL the work it will take to catch up, once the machine is fixed.

    I really need to say good bye and start packing a small suitcase.  Tomorrow morning (especially 4am!!!) will be here before I know it!

    Be Blessed  ~