Month: January 2011

  • Hi, Y'all

    Thank you for all of your prayers and nice comments on my last few posts.

    I'm 90% better.  I still have some loose, racking cough moments and have even had to use my asthma inhaler.  I haven't used that since before the cancer diagnosis in March 2009.  In fact, I haven't been sick since then, either.  I didn't have an inhaler and had to use Jesse's. 

    I did our taxes this weekend, 12 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday.  Not so much a "headache" as a "back ache"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But, it had to be done quickly, as the tax refund is how we live until the grass growing season comes and Jesse goes back to work.

    We are planning a few errands today.  I have to have blood drawn and need to pick up some prescriptions.

    But first . . . the girls and I are going to our new found treasure trove, the thrift store! 

    Tomorrow's weather has promised a HUGE winter storm and they are saying it is setting up to be like the snow storm we had Christmas Eve 2009.  Could be 8 - 10" of snow with higher drifts.    Yes, I'm happy!

    We're ready here, at our home, but I had a few last minute things to do for fun and for health.

    I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to write over the next few days, and, hopefully, I will have some beautiful snow pictures to share.

    Be Blessed  ~

  • It's Confirmed

    Yesterday's nose swab confirmed it - I have the flu. 

    She said I was the third patient they'd seen in their office who got the flu shot and got the flu anyway.  Remember, the rarest of things usually happen to me.  It's the same rare category that gave me the successful Stage 4 cancer result!  (Pollyanna-ish here!)

    I've NEVER believed in flu shots, but only took the shot last year and this year because of the cancer I'm fighting against returning.

    She was afraid Rissy was on the verge of the flu, but she tested negative.  She could be positive today.  We both received an antibiotic prescription for nose and throat stuff.

    Riss' and I are under quarantine in the master bedroom until two days after our fevers break. 

    The whole family is on Tamiflu.  Jesse is the only one without insurance and it cost him $99 for his RX.  YIKES!

    I'll be back when I can.  Right now, I'm a walking contagion and really don't need to be touching the keyboard.  I'll wipe everything down when I'm done, here!

    I know my friends will pray for us.  Thanks, as always! 

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Despite The Fact

    Despite the fact I told everyone on Xanga I was watching my health and taking good care of myself . . .

    Despite the fact I mentioned, a few days ago, the girls and I received flu shots for this season . . .

    Despite the fact I was fine on Wednesday . . .

    I'm not fine today (Friday). 

    On Wednesday, we took a lunch break from school and I had some really fun things planned for the afternoon. 

    Music lessons and mosaic art. 

    After lunch I felt "wierd" and couldn't put my finger on what was wrong.  I basically didn't want to do ANYTHING.   Not one single thing. 

    I cancelled school for the rest of the day.

    I laid on the sofa, read a book, and ended up falling into a very deep sleep.

    By the early evening hours I was so ill, I couldn't speak or think.  My body ached, my throat was getting scratchy, and my nose was congested. 

    I stayed in bed yesterday and tried to read (when I could concentrate). 

    Rissy's sypmtoms worsened. 

    She and I slept in the master bedroom, last night, and Jesse slept in Rissy's room.

    Rissy and I are going to the doctor, in a few hours. 

    Despite it "feeling like" a flu, I figured it was not.  After all, I had a flu shot. 

    That's when I called the doctor, asked if there was a prescription of something they could call in for us, told them I was too sick to go to the doctor's office, but they said they'd HAVE TO see us to treat us. 

    And, that's when they told me,


    So, remind me, please, why do we bother to get a flu shot each year?  

    Pray for us, and y'all

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Did Anyone Miss Me?

    Did you miss me?

    Or, did anyone even know I've been gone a while???!!! 

    There's been so much activity and news - some good, some bad.

    On one day (couldn't even tell you which day, now!), I head birds outside chattering up a storm.  I went out the front door and looked up into our maple tree.

    The birds covered the branches and were SO LOUD!


    They sensed me (probably "saw" me) on the front porch and made a mass exodus from the tree.


    Stepping outside revealed to me the source of their excitement and/or irritation.


    It had snowed.

    Not a big snow, but a surprise snow 

    I wondered how I had not seen it coming down or how the girls had missed it.  I guess I was so busy *inside* with "things," I was totally oblivious to what was going on OUTside! 

    Thanks to the birds, I got some pictures!


    Tomorrow, Thursday, we have another possibility of snow, although they don't talk like it will be much.


    I've been cleaning up junky "hot spots" around the house, and SOMEBODY has made it hard for me to clean my desk!  He's with me constantly, but especially when I'm on the computer.  At night, to encourage me to go to bed, he sits on my hand - the one that is on the mouse!  It's very hard for him to go to bed without me.  He sticks to me like glue!

    Do you see the little picture of me with my older and younger sisters?  It was taken at our youngest brother's wedding.  I keep it on my desk all the time.  And that's my Grandma's dictionary and Bible behind it.


    I got to babysit this cute little guy.  He's one of the children Stephanie babysits and she asked me to watch him for a few hours, so she could get a hair cut.  He looks like this ALL the time.  He's such a content and happy baby!  When it was time for his bottle, he fussed in such a low key way.  VERY laid back!

    Now for the not-so-great news. 

    The same day I babysat (Tuesday), we received a bad report about Jesse's oldest brother.  He had became very ill Sunday (1/9) and ended up with exploratory (abdominal) surgery and was placed on life support in a coma.  I prayed all day on Wednesday wondering if I should travel to SE Oklahoma.  Jesse decided to leave early Thursday morning.  Wednesday night, I received a call that my MRI/CAT scans had been denied by insurance and I would NOT have to go to the hospital Thursday morning.  I knew immediately, I'd go in a second vehicle to be with Jesse, his brother, and his wife.

    Stephanie took the girls and I loaded the bird and cat up with food and water and boarded the dogs.  I got to the hospital around lunch time.  Because my sil works at the hospital, we were allowed to remain in ICU with Frank round the clock and everyone was so good to us.  I sat with him Wednesday night until 2am, and read the Bible to him for 2 hours.  I still have all of my "healing Scriptures" flagged with pink stickers.  Jesse came up to relieve me and I went back to the motel and got some of sleep.

    I have NO pictures of this event in our lives, but I'm happy to report that Frank's ventilator was removed night before last (Monday?  or, was it yesterday morning, Tuesday?) and he was able to call Jesse a little while ago.  PRAISE GOD!   A sore throat is minor in the scope of all the things he has battled.

    They still don't know what happened to him, and they will continue to run tests.  He was in kidney failure, had congestive heart failure, pancreatitis, and his blood pressure and temperature were erratic and scary.

    Jesse took off work Monday and Tuesday, so yesterday we were able to have lunch out as a family  (a Chinese buffet) and do the grocery shopping.

    Would you please continue to pray for Frank's recovery.  

    Please AND thank you. 

    Also, his wife has severe arthritis and undergoes chemo therapy to help her.  She had an appointment on Friday in Tulsa and her sister came down to drive her up to Tulsa.  If you know anything about chemo therapy, you know it totally saps a person's strength.  Sharon usually has a huge problem the first 48 hours after treatment.  That night, she was driving home and swerved off the road, down into a gully, and came to a stop against a farmer's fence.   I believe angels stopped that car!    Her sister was riding with her and they were miraculously spared any injuries.  Since the town is small, she had to wait until Monday to get a rental car. 

    Sharon is exhausted and she needs prayers, too.

    When we returned, Saturday afternoon, we were just outside the city limits when Stephanie called to tell us Luci had just fallen and chipped her front tooth.  (rolling my eyes)  We were able to find a dentist who was willing to see her before he left and she has had it filled in.  About 1/3 of the tooth was gone and he said she might end up having to have a root canal and crown later on.  It's a wait and see deal.  It was definitely a bit too much excitement on our plate!

    Still haven't heard what's up with my insurance and those tests.  I'm sure things will work out fine.  I'm still scheduled for the hysterectomy on the 9th of February.

    Rissy is slightly under the weather - a sore throat.  Please pray for her, as well.  All of us girls had flu shots this year, so whatever she has shouldn't be severe.  I made 2 kinds of Jell O last night and she is able to eat anything that isn't scratchy to swallow.

    Whew (big sigh!),  I think that about covers all the big things. 

    I'm trying to get plenty of rest, handle the little business things and household chores, and take care of my health - things are going pretty well in that department.

    Please keep Sharon and Frank on your prayer list.

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Rabbit Tracks

                                           (JanaLyn, Annamarie, Rissy, and Luci off to the side)

    And what to my wondering eyes did appear?

                                                                         (JanaLyn & Rissy)

    Straggling, leftover pictures from our Christmas and New Year! 


    Does that qualify them for the title of "trailers"???? 

    You know, the film that got lost on the cutting room floor?

    Nope.  Probably not. 

                                        (Mother and daughter - Stephanie and JanaLyn)

    Most likely it means I had intentions of uploading these and then my mind rabbit tracked off in a different direction. 

    Once I'm down a new thought path, there's usually no turning back. 

    Not because I'm zealous for new adventures; but, because I can't remember what I did five minutes ago!

    And, anyhow,

    HOW IN THE WORLD could I forget the most important gifts on Christmas morning?!


    Jesse told our 3 daughters and granddaughter, JanaLyn, he needed them to make some big gift tags. 

    Gift tags to themselves. 

    No questions.  No hints.


    And, they obediently went to work on their individual name tags.

    Jesse (last minute) bought our 3 youngest daughters new bikes and JanaLyn's "new" bike was rebuilt with all the best parts from the last bikes the girls had been riding.  We didn't spend much money on Christmas this year, and I had idea he was thinking of bikes.  I'm not sure he knew he was going to do that, either.  He ran into some bikes at Wal-Mart marked down 75% from $150/each. 

    I had bought nick nacks for their rooms and the thrift store (like new) clothing for them.

    He comes up with last minute things that blow me away.  Just walks into great deals.  


    For our anniversary, he gave me some crystal.  One piece was a tea light candle holder that looks like a flying saucer shape and has a pattern that looks like crystal rocks cut into the glass.  The flame makes the light prism through the "rocks" just beautifully.


    He also bought me a lidded candy jar that I had admired once while we were out browsing.

                                                      The cuts in this piece really reflect the light. 

    I have a passionate love/appreciation for crystal and enjoy collecting pieces.  This was an after Christmas mark down at Macy's.  An incredible buy!

    This is a horrible picture of a beautiful Swarovski crystal flower in pale pink.

    My camera flash picked up light from everything EXCEPT the little flower!

    Our house is currently "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" and each room stripped of it's holiday dressings.

    It all looks rather bare, after all the festive and sparkly doo dads that were found here and there!

    Unfortunately, our lovely dining room table bears the weight of all the debris from wreaths to candlesticks, in every shape and size!  My mission is to box everything up by the end of the weekend.


    It helps to dim the lights, but even the dim lights do no good during the sunniest part of the day!


    Our family has so many medical appointments coming up over the next month.  The girls have to have a dental cleaning squeezed into our already busy calender. 

    The GYN/surgeon I saw on Tuesday agreed that a hysterectomy would be appropriate for my prolapsed uterus.  Fortunately, nothing else has "fallen" and the surgery can be done without making any incisions in my abdomen. 

    I'm slow to heal, so, regardless of a vaginal incision and surgery, I'll need more than a month to recuperate.

                                                               Me, Stephanie, and JanaLyn.

    My neck is bothering me again.  The cancer place told me today (I was there for my monthly IV), that when I have my routine 6 month MRI/CAT scans done next week, they will take a close look at the area of my neck that has such a painful lump.  Two doctors feel it is a muscle spasm (a HUGE one) created when I had that "helpful" shots in my spine a few months ago. 

    I woke up today with excruciating pain and a lump on the side of my neck where the needle went in and another lump down the middle of my back by my shoulder blade.  The whole muscle produces sharp pain and there's a lump you can actually see on my neck. 

    There's always the negative voice of the devil, ever ready to quickly yank the carpet out from under people, telling me it might be a tumor. 

    So, since the MRI/CAT was scheduled next week, they will take a look at my neck at the same time.  But,  no one thinks it's more than a muscle spasm.

    That's about all.  We started back to school this morning and tomorrow will be another day of pulling in the hoodlums and getting them back into a learning mode.

    Oh, Lord help me!!!  LOL!!!!!

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Our Anniversary/Christmas Food

    A Most Important Message, then to my blog!

    I have a Xanga friend who has adopted a little girl from Russia.  She has gone back to Russia several times with a group to work in orphanages.  On one trip, she met a little girl (handicapped) and since then, God has placed it on her and her family's hearts to adopt this second child.  She is needing money to fund the adoption and you can read all about the crafts she and her daughter, Charity, make to sell to fund the adoption.  There is other info about "Katya" at Hope Ann's site.  The following has been cut and pasted from Hope Ann's site.

    • Here's the Link to Katya's Blog!

      Here is the link to Katya's blog.

      You can go there to learn about her adoption and the ways you can help. Check out the side bar on the right hand side to see various ways to help.

      You can go here to learn more about the mission trips our family has been involved in, including the one we made in Sept. of 2009 to Katya's orphanage.

      You can also read back in the archives of this blog (Sept and Oct of 2009) for stories and pictures about the trip to Katya's orphanage!

      Welcome, and please follow along as we work hard to bring Katya home to a loving family and the medical care she needs and deserves! We are trying to save her life--and we invite you to join us!

    Please visit her site at the link above.   Please pray about supporting her and her family to raise money for this precious adoption.  Please consider posting the links on your own blog.


    Okay . . .

    Oh, my!    Where to start?!

    I'll start today and go backwards!

    Today, Jesse and I are celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary. 

    In some ways, we can't believe all of the things we've lived through. 

    Certain things (like being married without our 3 youngest girls) are almost impossible to remember.

    On the other hand, we don't feel like it's only been 13 years.  It feels like we've been together for a life time.

                                                               (a bad photo of a photo)

    This morning, someone in church teased us in the lobby as everyone was leaving.  Something was said about our anniversary and a comment was made about "yeah, and they're still in love" to which I replied, "we sure are!"

    People have teased us about still holding hands.  People tease us all the time.

    We took the girls to see lights in a nearby park on New Year's Eve and they teased Jesse and I about "mistletoe lights" being up ahead.  Jesse and I would kiss and the girls would squeal, "Eeeeeew!"  We had a ball kissing and listening to them squeal!!!!

    We also had a chance in church to turn to our neighbor, hold their hand, and pray.  Since Jesse and I were alone on the row, I had the privilege of praying for him . . . and pray for him, I did!

    This year we didn't feel moved to do anything special - away from home or without our daughters.  We went out for Mexican dinner, after church, at a very casual and simple restaurant.  With the cold, cold temperatures outside, it was a perfect meal.  Rissy and Annamarie split fajitas and I had a combination plate, half of which I took home in a box!

    Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were great.  As I said before, no major decorations around the house this year, but lots of yummy things to eat.  From my pictures, you'd think that was all we did!

    The Christmas Eve dinner turned out perfect and I managed to get everything on the table and served, while it was still piping hot.  I don't move as quickly as I used to, but I prayed this year for help.  I asked God to help me wrap gifts extra pretty, and to help the food I prepared to be exceptionally delicious. 

    All prayers were answered.


    The food turned out 5 star restaurant quality AND hot.  The cozy ambiance at the table with the candles at each person's plate and twinkling lights in my silk ficus trees in the background made things feel extra special.


    Our oldest daughter and our granddaughter were our only guests. 

                                          blurry picture of me and oldest daughter, Stephanie

    How we wish our next oldest daughter and her family could have joined us.  That was the only thing left to make the evening completely perfect!


    "Some of us" started out the next morning eating candy and whatever yummy things came out of stockings or in the form of wrapped gifts!


    We take eating very seriously around here!


    There were some utterly horrible (wretched) pictures of me (these are for all of you that talk about my youthful skin and other such attributes) and I think I might have Jesse to thank for those pictures! 

    Some pictures I was aware of


                                              (my triple chins and the cat's rear end!)

    and other pictures caught me *TOTALLY* unaware!

                                   That's a marshmallow candy cane and it was EXCELLENT!!!!

    I have never been one to make "New Year's Resolutions" - not ever.  But last year I wanted to add some things to my life and I was happy to look back and see that I had made those things I desired come to pass.

     #1)  I began a journal, only writing when I felt like it (not daily), 
    #2)  I began to write letters, not just to friends and family, but letters of encouragement to various people
            who crossed my path, 
    #3)  I began to read again, setting aside my night time TV as a *reading* time, instead.  I even bought a clip-on
            mini light to read by, without bothering Jesse, and
    #4)  I began a daily (night time!) reading in my Bible and mid year bought Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His
            Highest" to add to my nightly reading  

    I've restarted "My Utmost for His Highest" for this new year.

    I have prayed for inspiration about something else to add to my list of desires. 

    A dear friend and her family keep coming to mind.   Each time I pray, it's her face I see.  She is like a relative, though only a friend, and I believe God wants me to become more involved with her and her family's life.  So, that is my "goal" for this year! 

    I also need to be better about calling my own family and writing letters to all of them.  It's one of those things where good intentions are, sometimes, waylaid by the busyness of my life. 

    With this *ONE* goal, surely I can make the time for others.


    Today, Jesse said, on the way home from church/lunch, he would like to open our house more to company, as well as the guests we usually "serve" in our ministry of hospitality.  I am with him 100%.  I have also had that nudging in my spirit - to entertain and fellowship more with others in our home.

    So, 2011 will, hopefully, bring an abundance of people into our lives and home.  People in our lives on a much more intimate level. 

    I hope to look back on 2011 and find that ties have grown closer with friends; and, I hope to see that we've abandoned the occasional call just to keep in touch with the lives of others.

    Be Blessed  ~