Month: February 2010

  • Happy Birthday, Rissy

    Today, Marissa Claire P---- turns 9 years old!


    Happy Birthday Rissy!

    Technically, she won't be 9yo until 5 minutes before 4pm, but we are close enough and celebrating, anyway!

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    Last night, Stephanie (her oldest sister) came over with JanaLyn (my grandchild, Rissy's niece).and she opened her present from them and one gift from Daddy and me.

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    Janalyn gave her one of her famous pictures (she's very good at art!) and they both gave Rissy a sweet candle and a sack of fancy, cherry flavored M & Ms.

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    Daddy and I let her open one box early.  A pink sweater she had seen on eBay and liked a lot.  Another little t-shirt (brown & pink polka dots) and a game for her Nintendo was in the same box.

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    We teased her and told her the rest were empty boxes for decoration!  JanaLyn laughed and told Rissy we were joking!

    This morning we had the cream cheese and strawberry coffee cakes I bought the other day and a big glass of orange juice.  Everyone ate until they could eat no more!

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    Since Rissy had a luncheon date with her dad, and JanaLyn was supposed to be visiting her dad this weekend, we cut into the cake (for JanaLyn's sake) right before lunch time.  That way JanaLyn could take some cake with her to eat later, when her dad picked her up.

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    Rissy was pleased with the looks of the cake and Daddy lit the candles for her.  

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    Everyone crowded around the lit cake for a picture.  Then . . .

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     We sang our family's birthday song AND the traditional "Happy Birthday" song.


    Then the obvious:  The big candle blow out and the surveyance of the smoking candles!!!!

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    Rissy wore her new pink sweater today and asked me to put her hair into a "messy bun" so she looked grown up when her dad took her out.

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    He mentioned to me he needed his hair cut and had thought about taking Rissy in so they could shampoo and blow dry her hair.  I thought it was a terrific idea (we don't go to beauty shops) and I added that a simple manicure would be good too - IF they did that at the shop he was going to.  If that works out, I'm sure she'll feel so special.

    I have the steaks for tonight marinading and need to bring potatoes in from the cold garage.  I'll bake those and serve a green salad and all of the requests for Rissy's 9th birthday will be fulfilled.

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    Oh yeah!  More gifts from her sisters and parents tonight, after dinner.  HER choice to wait!


    Be Blessed  ~


  • Gray and Pink

    Riddle for the day:

    What's gray on the outside and pink on the inside?

    Our house, today, in Oklahoma!


    Gray and dreary skies - BUT . . . NO SNOW! -  and, lots of pink things decorating our den and refrigerator!

    Yesterday, I had a good visit with my new (renewed relationship) general physician.  He spent a lot of time with me and encouraged me to continue praying for new bone to grow in my backbone, where the cancer ate it up.  I told him I knew new bones weren't supposed to grow in a person's body, but, if God could grow a leper's fingers back after they had fallen off, He could certainly grow a person's backbone AND I was going to ask God, no matter what doctors said. 

    He asked me who said new bone couldn't ever grow and I told him the radiology doctor had said my damage was permanent, but I said again I was going to pray for new bone growth, despite what the doctor had told me.  The doctor yesterday told me, "Bodies sometimes *DO* grow new bone.  Don't quit what you're doing!" 

    He had some suggestions to help my swallowing problem and esophageal spasms, since the surgery a few weeks ago wasn't as great as we had hoped.

    After that visit, we made a quick circle around Wal-Mart.  My upper back has been VERY tender and painful (I'm sure it's the after shock of my angry cleaning frenzy last Friday!) and yesterday was a very painful one.  I really wanted to hurry up and get home.

    Despite my hurting, I baked Rissy's cake, right after we got home, and froze it overnight (a secret that makes cakes more moist).


    I'm feeling pressure about Rissy's birthday and other things I need to take care of.  I feel like there is too much for my brain to hold.  I'm trying to write every thought down on paper.  I know my memory isn't what it used to be - thus the feeling of pressure.  I do it to myself (the pressure thing)  but, it's real to me, nonetheless.

    Jesse found that IRS had issued and deposited our income tax refund into our bank account overnight!  YEAH!!! We can breathe a while longer!

    I made some easy canned cinnamon rolls for breakfast today and taught the basics in school.  Spelling test, a page in their language books, 2 pages in their math books, and a couple speed drills in math, with one test.  I decided to call it a day a little early.


    I still needed to frost Rissy's cake and decorate it, so it would be ready tomorrow.

    I brought her gifts out from the closet to "decorate the den" and now everything, everywhere around here is pink, Pink, PINK!!!!!

                                       These are definitely Rissy's "colors" and looks so much like her!

    The maid came again today and was finished with EVERYTHING in 2 hours.  I told her she was awesome and that I had called her employer and told them the same thing.  She said they had told her I had called and was pleased with her work.  I'm so glad they told her.  Employees don't hear often enough that they are appreciated.


    She is a sweet girl and just so cheerful AND good at what she does!

    I'm going to go lie down for a bit.  JanaLyn and Stephanie are coming around 5:30pm.  Stephanie won't stay, except to watch Rissy open their gift, and JanaLyn will spend the night.  The girls are thrilled and Stephanie said JanaLyn was really excited, too.


    I'm keeping tonight's dinner simple.  Chicken breasts with barbecue sauce baked on, shells & cheese, green beans, and fruit cocktail.  We'll probably cut into the cake tomorrow morning before JanaLyn leaves so she can share a piece.  Then Rissy has her "luncheon date" (so cute to hear her call it that!) with her Dad.


    Gift opening will come after her steak dinner tomorrow night.  Steak, baked potatoes, and tossed green salad.  THEN, we'll have her fluffy, pink cake.  It almost turned out like the picture on her gift sack.  French vanilla cake, strawberry frosting between the layers, cream cheese on the outside with swirls of strawberry frosting.  A few cherries on top and 9 pink candles, with one blue one - to grow on!

    Uh, oh!  I just looked at this picture and counted 8 pink candles.  I better go grab another pink one and add it to the cake!  I can't believe I did that!  Well . . . yes I can! 

    Our little girl is growing up!

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Lists, Snow, & Birthday

    I'm working off of three lists, actually four lists if you count the grocery list!  My medical list, my To Do List (my second brain on paper!), my cleaning lady list, and the grocery list.

    I slept great last night and my headache is gone.  All I have is some tenderness in my back, right below the neckline.  It's something I can live with and I'd say I'm back to 98%.


    I need to take a bath and wash my hair before I go to my general physician's appointment.  Just a recheck to see how I'm doing since he changed around some medications.  I'll probably need lab work.  Luci will too.  She is on a medication (for her temper tantrums) that could possibly harm her liver.  So, Momma AND Luci will have the ol' stick in the arm!

    Last night, I got the ribbons and bows on Rissy's gifts.  I began to panic (not really!) because I so easily forget things.  I know these next few days will be busy and I was afraid of forgetting something important - like baking Rissy's cake or frosting it.  Or, forgetting to take the steaks out of the freezer for her birthday dinner.

                                                          Not sure what happened, here. 
                            The packages are light pink, and pink gingham with a pink bow and a white bow.
                                                It looks like my flash didn't go off, but it did!

    Then, I remembered . . . that's why I keep a spiral notebook and pen by my bed - it's my brain!  I've started adding things to my list of "don't forget" things and I'm sure there is more I've already forgotten.

    Caught some pictures of Chirper being a stealth figure checking out my bath tub.  He doesn't want *IN* it, just likes poking his nose *around* it and all my stuff!

    Speaking of pets, Jesse took Little Bit to be neutered today.  We will pick him up tomorrow morning.  We're supposed to have rain moving in tonight and changing to snow tomorrow through Saturday morning.  Another front will be moving in Sunday and another one in the middle of next week.

    Stephanie and JanaLyn are coming Friday afternoon.  Stephanie wants to give Rissy her birthday present, and then JanaLyn will spend the night and be picked up by her Dad Saturday late morning.  Rissy has "a lunch date" (her words) with her dad on Saturday.  We'll have her steak dinner in the evening and that's when she can open gifts from us.


    I sure hope the Friday snow doesn't keep JanaLyn from being able to come and spend the night.  The girls are really looking forward to it.  I'm finally feeling strong enough to take on the care of a 4th little girl!!!


    In fact, I recently invited my friend (Lori K) and her family to spend a few days with us, when they come this way to go to church camp in June.  She has 5 children of her own and I'm so excited about filling our house with company again and most excited to be close to Lori.  She's just one of those friends who is like family.  The girls were VERY excited about Lori's family coming, too.

    I have a pot of pinto beans simmering on the stove.  Before we leave for our appointments, I'll transfer them and the remainder of our ham on a bone to the Crock Pot and pray they finish cooking in time for dinner tonight.

    By the way:  The ravioli and meatball baked dish was EXCELLENT last night.  A keeper recipe!

    Time for that bath I need!

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Tired

    I'm running on empty today.  I had trouble falling asleep.  I had a headache when I went to bed last night and it progressed into a migraine.  Jesse woke up around 2am (I was still awake) and gave me a migraine (Imitrex) pill.  It didn't really work and I continued to lie awake, aching and moaning.  Chirper, bless his heart, was awake and so sweet and cuddly.  That's what I love about boy cats, they are so loyal and protective when you don't feel well.


    The girls lug Little Bit everywhere.  They even put doll clothes on the poor guy!  Yesterday,. they had blankets in a plastic storage bin and carried him around like a prince! 2010_02_24 001    

    I had hoped to sleep in, but was up around 8am, this morning.  I got dressed and finally took another type of pill (Fiorinal with Codienne) and that helped ease the aching head.  But, after teaching school (I had a meeting with some here at the house at 10:30am), I feel like the head and upper neck pain is returning.

    I may have to take more of the Fiorinal since it worked so well this morning.  It's rare for me to get headaches.  I think the last one was when I was in the hospital last September.

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    It's a bright day, but on the chilly side.  Jesse is coming back from the hospital (after visiting his mother) and he called to tell the girls to get leggings on, he's taking them to the park.  Such quick little things when it comes to dressing for a trip to the park!!!

    I was going to mix up some oatmeal cookies this afternoon, but that sounds like a horrible idea, right now!  They can wait.

    I'm trying a new recipe that I didn't get to fix last week.  Baked ravioli and meatballs - copied from a friend's site.

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    We started a new Bible course in our homeschool from CLE.  I think we're going to like it.  Five booklets around 30-35 pages each.  Many things are covered, but all in a short, abbreviated form.  Just what children my girls' ages need.  I can expound on any lesson, and I can tailor make them for our family.

    Oh!  Some really good news . . . A new maid came yesterday and, if she consistently cleans like she did yesterday, I can tell I'm going to really like her.  I was so pleased with her work, that I called the agency to compliment her!  I always try to send letters or make calls when I'm pleased with a service or person.  Too many people send complaints and I figure it must be nice to get a thank you letter, every now and then!

    Better go lie down.  Just wanted to drop in for a minute and write my less than exciting news!


    Be Blessed  ~


  • Maids and Pets

    Here we go, another day with no sun and cold temperatures!  Saturday night it rained most of the night and Jesse couldn't believe I didn't hear the thunder.  He said it rattled the house.  But, I was in a very deep sleep.  It was cold when we went to church; but, when we came out, it was colder and VERY windy.  The wind cut right through our warm clothes.

    The cleaning lady didn't show up on Friday.  ANOTHER excuse!  I told her I was going to have to let her go.  I thought I had been very patient with her, but I needed help and things weren't working out with her.  She began to talk (her one bad habit) about how she understood, and . . . I cut her off and said, "Dorothy, good-bye."

    I had a sense of relief afterward.  I was angry, but also relieved that the decision to let her go had been accomplished.  I called the service and asked for another gal.  The nurse who follows my case said she had lined up a Christian girl who planned to take me, but they had sent someone else.  This time, I specifically asked for the girl who was recommended by my nurse.  We'll see what happens.


    Since I was angry, I did what I shouldn't have done - which made me even more angry, afterward.  I polished the mahogany fireplace trim with Pledge - I stood up on the ottoman to reach the high spots.  Then, I cleaned the whole kitchen (moved everything on the counters & sprayed with 409, cleaned all the frames on the walls, scoured out the sink, polished the front of the dishwasher and stove, wiped the cabinet doors & hinges, and refrigerator doors . . . ) and it took me only 20 minutes!  I was in the process of wiping the crud from the kitchen tile floor with 409 when Rissy caught me bending over.  She volunteered to finish and, as I stood up and realized I was dizzy.  She sent me to the bed to lie down, after reprimanding me.  She polished the wood furniture through out the house with Pledge and a rag.  And in less than 30 minutes a decrepit old lady and 8 year old girl had the house looking and smelling good.  A thing our maid never was able to do in 3 hours.  And, she was supposed to come twice a week!

    It bothers me when people work and get paid, but they do a lousy job.  I feel like they are stealing from their employer.  I can't explain the gal I had, but she talked too much and showed up for work too infrequently.  Yet, I'm sure they will use her somewhere else.  A really nice gal, just a huge talker and slow worker . . . (sigh)


    I took pictures of Rissy's transformed white boxes of gifts.  They are covered in pretty paper and I only have 3 more to wrap (a cute pillow for her bed and Luci's and Annamarie's gift to her).  She's sticking with the fluffly pink and white frosted French vanilla cake.  I need to put pink candles on the grocery list.  She thinks she wants my homemade chili for her birthday dinner.  I told her she HAS to make up her mind today, so I have time to shop for food. 

    She is very laid back about birthdays.  Luci is already planning hers and talks about it constantly, but it isn't until August 5th.  I can barely get Rissy's desires out of her.  I patted her once last week and told her I thought she was going to have a very nice birthday (remember, this is the first year she isn't having a party) and she told me she was sure it would be nice - it always is!


    I washed the sheets from our bed this weekend.  Before I could grab a clean set from the closet, I found my two furry little boy animals snoozing on the turned down blanket!  Chirper ALWAYS races me for my spot in bed.  It's "a thing" with him and I.  Little Bit wants to cuddle, but he waits for ME to settle down, first.  He's super cute and hard to not love.  Just a darling personality when he's with me.  Maybe he thinks I'm his Mommy!

    Anyway, Chirper and Little Bit play together all the time (another thing that is cute to watch) but finding them cuddled together in my bedding was something that called for the camera to be hauled out!  Neither one of them could keep their eyes open while I snapped a picture!


    I'm going to try a new recipe tonight.  It uses frozen cheese ravioli and frozen meatballs.  You layer it with spaghetti sauce and cheeses, then bake it.  A Xanga friend posted it at her site and said her family enjoys it.

    Jesse is at the hospital with his mother, this morning.  She was admitted last week because of some blood work that didn't look good.  So far, they can't find anything wrong with her and her blood work looks better.  Instead of concentrating on her kidney and stomach area, they are going to investigate the back pain and see if something is wrong there.  Besides the bad lab work, she has pain from her stomach to her back bone.  Jesse's been up there a couple of times since he took her in (an emergency run) late last week.

    I definitely need to get school started, so I'll say "bye" for now!

    Be Blessed  ~


  • Pinks & Greens

    Yesterday was a beautiful and sunny day.  Lots of wind - but VERY bright and cheerful.  I think it reached 67°!

    Not so, today!

    We have 3 different weather systems moving through our state in the next week, bringing mainly rain and possibly snow.  Winter isn't quite finished with us!

    I had my IV yesterday - uneventfully - and we ran to the Christian book store before picking up the girls at their appointment.  We bought Annamarie and Rissy NIV Bibles that are made for their age group.  Annamarie's birthday is next month, Rissy's on 27th of this month.

    I bought a journal for myself.  I had intended to look at them *if* we had time, but they were right inside the door as you entered the store.  Only $3.99, too!  I bought a journal and a bookmark.  Nice little treat for myself!


    Yesterday I got all of Rissy's presents in tissue paper and in white boxes.  They are stacked on the shelf in my closet.


    I hauled the wrapping paper and ribbon in from the garage.  "Her colors" are pastel pink and mint green" - not neon pink and green. 


    I showed her a gift sack in those colors (pink and green) and she loved it, AND, she asked if I could make her cake look like the middle picture on the gift sack!


    I feel bad.  She asked for a coconut cake covered with grated coconut and dressed with red cherries.  We can't find a coconut cake mix anywhere, and believe me, we've looked!  She settled yesterday for a lemon cake with blueberries folded in it and cream cheese frosting.  Then, after seeing the gift sack cake, she sighed and said, "Oh yeah, I'm having lemon and blueberry cake."  She rarely asks for anything and the fact I can't give her the cake she wants makes me feel sad.  Such a little request.  I told her I could make a French vanilla cake and use cream cheese and strawberry frosting in swirls like I had used on our Valentine cake and *that* would kind of look like the cake in the picture.  She lit up and said, "You mean you can make it pink and fluffy?" 

    So, pink and fluffy she shall have!

                                                The pink and fluffy Valentine cake.

    The cleaning lady is supposed to come today and I haven't heard from her - I hope that is a good sign and she is still planning to come.  I have to get things ready for her, in that I remove counter top or desk items so she can clean the surfaces.  I've done that so many times, only to get a call that she couldn't come!  So frustrating!

    I need to check the children's homework and teach some school.  Today is spelling test day (oh thrill, NOT)!

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Of Dogs & Bible Language

    I had a really nice day yesterday.  After teaching the girls their lessons, I grabbed my book (and some new ones that arrived in the mail this week) and laid on my bed reading ALL AFTERNOON!!!

    Jesse took Little Bit to the groomer in the morning.  I told them I didn't want him cut really short.  I like my fluffy little doggie!  Mainly, they trimmed around his eyes and cut the rest of his jowls and body sides in a blunt cut.  JUST ADORABLE!  The pictures don't show it, but they sent him home with a blue ribbon on his collar!  HE WAS SO SOFT AND FLUFFY!!!!   He was VERY proud of himself and Sushi was very jealous! 

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    As soon as the girls finished school, they ate lunch, and then Jesse announced he was taking them to the park. 


    No noise and time for me to read uninterrupted!  Yesss!!!

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    Before jumping into the book I'm currently reading, I thumbed through the two new Sarah Breathnach books that arrived 2 days ago.  I was surprised to find it was pretty much a New Age philosophy, but I can eat the hay and spit out the sticks.  I'm very grounded in Christianity and also aware of New Age phrases and teachings - I believe I can still enjoy the books, in part.

    I have to have my bone IV drug today.  The girls have their appointment and I have mine at a different place around the same time.  I'll let Jesse drop me off first.  MORE time to read!! LOL

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                                                A depressed and jealous Sushi!!!!


    I'm starting to teach Annamarie a few things in the kitchen.  I asked Rissy to show her how to season and brown ground beef the other night, and she went on to show her how to add taco seasoning & water.  Today I showed her how to cook pancakes.  I didn't mess with teaching her how to measure and mix the batter, since reading is hard for her.  That will come at another time. 

    She is doing well.  It's hard for her to stand and wait and resist the urge to stir, flip, look, check . . .   So much of cooking is standing guard over the stove and doing nothing except watching for something that could potentially burn!  It's taken her a very long time to be mature enough to understand the waiting and watching part, but I believe she is ready for simple things.

    Rissy showed an interest in domestic things at a very early age.  She was flipping pancakes when she was 3yo and did quite a bit when I had pneumonia (2007) and she was only six.  Just one of those unusual children who takes to housework and enjoys it.  I enjoy it, too, and find it gratifying to clean, cook, etc.


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    So much for the news from here.  We will make a quick trip to Wal-Mart for groceries on the way home from our appointments.  I'd also like to stop at a Christian book store and pick up a New Living Bible for Rissy's birthday.  Jesse said he wants her to read that BEFORE she tackles the King James Version.  She reads KJV, but I'm not sure she is understanding what she reads.  Jesse said it's more important that she understands rather than be able to pronounce odd words we no longer use . . .

    And, on that note . . .





  • The Day After

    Just another day, here, around the ol' hacienda!

    I'm going to show pictures of my book shelves today.  I recently got the books filed by categories.  There is fiction, non-fiction, Amish photo and history books, Bible studies, child rearing, home management, classic novels, Reader's Digest condensed version volumes, hymnals, etc.  AND, this is where I keep my favorite music - 90% hymns, etc.  I love being able to see what I have.  It makes choosing a book/music much easier!

    As you will see, I also have family photos and precious music boxes or figurines displayed on the same shelves. 

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    Maybe you will be able to see the titles and get some ideas for reading material for yourself. 

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    I love to browse other people's book collections. 

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                                (my nightstand holds my Bible and these other books)


    I love books.  I'm always looking for something new to read. 

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    So, pardon me while I post, what some may think as boring, pictures, today!

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    The cleaning lady canceled today . . . again.  (sigh)  It's frustrating because her attendance record is becoming a habit.  Come once a week, call and cancel the second visit for the week. 

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    I don't really even count on her, anymore, and I feel surprised if she actually *does* shows up.  She's good when she's here, she's just not here when she is supposed to be.  Does that make sense?

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    I had an absolutely delightful Valentine's Day.  The temperature was in the 30's and the winds were from the north and MORE than 30mph, at times.  It made for a VERY cold day.

    The sermon at church was very good.

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    We went to eat after church.  No place fancy - the buffet at Golden Corral.  I could taste the vinegar dressing on the salad and the chocolate desserts.  All the stuff in between (steak, shrimp, sweet potato casserole, & brussel sprouts) was without flavor.  My tongue's fault - not the restaurant's fault!

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    We came home and found a message from my mother on the answering machine.  I called her back right before she left her house to go to my older sister's.  We had a WONDERFUL conversation.  It was so good to talk with her. 

    After that, the girls brought their Valentine pouches to the den and everyone opened up Valentine cards.  It was a nice "together time" for us as a family.

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    Then, we used the restroom, washed hands, and went to Wal-Mart for the holes we had in our pantry shelves.  Soups, cereals, beef broth, "cream of" soups, etc.

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    Luci needed to buy Rissy a birthday gift, so our group split up and Luci and I shopped together.  We hid items under the coats in my motorized cart's basket and caught up with the others.

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    We split up in line, I went to a different register, so I could pay for Rissy's gifts and keep them hidden.  The place was FILLED with people.  Many of them men with something red or pink in their hands.  7pm and they were ought looking for something to say, "I love you" to their sweethearts!  I smiled because of the late hour!

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    When we walked in the door, my good friend Lori K called.  I haven't talked with her in FOREVER and that made my day complete.  We caught up on children, pets, and husband news.  We didn't solve any world problems, but the conversation was just what I needed, despite the world still being in a mess!

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    The steak dinner will be tonight.  We were too full from lunch to eat anything last night except for the Valentine cake I had made.  It went over VERY WELL!!!!!  Not much of it is left!

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    All in all, it was a perfect day.  From church to bedtime it was just perfect!  I think I told Jesse what a nice day I had had about 6 times before he drifted off to sleep!

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    Today is President's Day and no mail is running or banks open.  We still had school.  Only one page in each book and a new unit of spelling for each child.  I still have to enter the pages they did, today, in my school planner.  Ha!  "Planner?"  It's more like a "journal" of what we were able to do, rather than what we set out to do and accomplished!

    I have to go for a routine mammogram tomorrow and then meet with my "would be" surgeon after that.  For some one who feels like she doesn't have much of a life, I have sure been busy!


    Be Blessed  ~



  • Happy Valentine's Day!

    Don't have much time to write, today. 


    We just got in from eating lunch out after our church service.  It was nice to not have to cook, but since I can't taste much of anything (STILL), I feel money is always wasted on me when I'm taken out to eat.


    I plan to fix steaks (broiled in the oven), baked potatoes, and a green salad for our dinner tonight.  I've made and decorated a cake for dessert.  It's a red velvet cake with strawberry frosting in the middle and cream cheese on the outside, swirled with a bit of pink in the white.  There are little candied hearts sprinkled all over the sides and top.  It's prettier in person and the camera didn't do it justice!


    Mainly,  I wanted to post pictures of the flowers Jesse had sent to me for Valentine's Day.  Such a delightful surprise!  The color looks great on my computer, but is lost when I load them onto Xanga.  The vase is a deep red color.


    I had to laugh at Chirper - right in the middle of everything - as always!  Do you like the cattails in my flower arrangement?



    I finished the last book listed (the one I posted on Friday) and am having difficulty deciding what to read next.  I'm thinking of a volume of 4 fictional stories in one.  Just can't decide if I want to start the huge book, or not!

    I think we may go to Wal-Mart for a few things we forgot to buy earlier in the week.  But first, the girls are going to open their Valentine pouches!



    Be Blessed  ~


  • Gorgeous Day & A Quote

    Moving right along, here. 

    I spent another night holding my stomach after dinner.  The food agreed with me alright, but it pushed more of that surgical gas through my intestines.  I was really uncomfortable and befriended the heating paid, once more!


    It's been such a beautifully, sunny day, today.  We haven't had sun like this in quite a while.  I'm enjoying having the windows open and light streaming in from everywhere.  Another "system" is due to move in this weekend and, by Sunday, things will be cold and gloomy again.  Isn't that why we have spring and appreciate it so much?  New life, new brightness, and things looking so newborn pretty?!


    Jesse went for a walk and took Sushi (off her leash) and Little Bit (the first time walking *ON* a leash) with him.  Sushi behaved really well and stuck by his side, but, he said, Little Bit acted like he was strangling him every step of the way!  I'm sure he was dragging Little Bit more than walking him!  He said he told him to sit, and Little Bit refused.  Even when he pushed down on his bottom, Little Bit stood as firm as a granite statue!  He's smart, but doesn't enjoy training or obeying.  He's slowly coming a long and Sushi is turning into a wonderful dog and less & less destructive.


    In the book I finished reading a few days ago, there was something written that I want to share.  It really left an impression upon me and I've thought about it many, many times over the past 48 hours.

    From the book, "As I Remember It," by Uria Byler, I quote:

    . . . One evening about the middle of April while we were milking , one of the children came into the barn to report that our neighbors, Gene Schnells, were both sitting on their front steps crying.  We wondered what could be wrong  now.  Something serious must have happened.

    Soon Gene came across the road, walking slowly as if in deep anguish.  He came into the barn, wiping his eyes, and in a broken voice said, "The President passed away this afternoon."  Gene was a loyal Democrat, and he had idolized Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    So FDR was gone.  He had been reelected to a fourth term the preceding November, but that meant nothing now.  All the honors and prestige which he had received and which he relished, had come to an end.  When they lowered his body into the grave a few days later, he would be on the same level and hold the same status as the unknown, friendless pauper who would be buried in a potter's field across the road from the County Home.  In the eyes of God, there would be no distinction between the two.  What now was important was, "Where would their souls spend eternity?" . . .    

    I don't know why Mr. Byler's words haunt me.  I don't think of myself as puffed up or arrogant, but maybe this passage served as a warning to me so I never *will* become such a way.  I just felt it was worth sharing with everyone else.


    The lady that cleans for me is here.  She's finishing up mopping the kitchen & foyer floors with PineSol.  It smells so clean after the floors are washed! 

    While I was eating an apple for my lunch, the doorbell rang.  It was a man delivering flowers.  FOR ME!!!!  Jesse had them sent for Valentine's Day.  I'll take a picture of them and post them this week end.  The vase is a lovely deep red and will be pretty in my kitchen's black and red (barn, apple, & rooster) decor long after Valentine's Day has passed.


    I'm fixing a meatloaf for dinner and praying I digest it without incident.  I believe I'm on the last few days of having an upset digestive system!!!!  THANK YOU, LORD!!!!

    AND . . . I think that just about takes care of all the news here for the day.

    Be Blessed  ~