Month: January 2010

  • So Very Cold, Here

    We are experiencing another blast from the north.  Moisture from the west.  Winds from every direction!

    We're in the middle of an ice storm.  It started with freezing rain (enough to coat the electrical lines with ice) and then changed to sleet, which has piled up on the roof, window sills, and the patio.  Every place you set foot outside must be done with caution.  It's so frigid and cold, with that wind whipping everything around, and slippery as all get out.

                                                 Rissy February 2008

    Jesse has put salt down on the front walkway,  making it possible to safely walk to the mail box to retrieve mail (which was a wasted trip, today!!!).

    The dogs spend less time than usual doing their business in the backyard.  This is definitely not as fun as the huge snow storm last month, nor is it as pretty.

                                                                      Annamarie March 2008

    I haven't been online here today.  We were trying to conserve electricity, so the city wouldn't have such a draw from everyone trying to keep warm.  130,000 people are without electricity in Oklahoma, right now.  We feel SO BLESSED to have lights, heat, water, communication (a TV for updated weather reports and telephone service), and plenty of food and hot water.  We own two generators and have not needed them.  We charged up cell phones, rechargeable batteries, and Nintendo games JUST IN CASE!!!!  The matches are all in one place and we're ready to light candles.

                                              Annamarie and Rissy October 2009

    We've contacted our second church family to let them know we can open our home to 2 or 3 families, if need be.  If we give each family a room (adults take the beds, children on the floor), we can easily accommodate a large number and feed them, too.  We are praying for all of those who are having to wait out this brutal attack of weather with no electricity.  They are unsure about the snow accumulation, which should start in the middle of the night.

                                                           Luci February 2008

    Several Xanga friends have written to me about the A Beka books we are selling.  I'm sorry I haven't been able to pay much attention to handling your requests.  I will get to each of you soon, I promise.

    I'm still praying for all of you who have needs.  It doesn't take electricity or warm weather to do that!

                                                                              Luci October 2009

    We should all take a moment to thank God for all of the things we so easily take for granted.  I think the devastation in Haiti and this Oklahoma ice storm have made me grateful (from the bottom of my heart) for all the Lord has blessed us with - including this house, so we can reach out to others.

    Be Blessed  ~

  • School Books for Sale

    This has been another set of busy days behind me!

    We enjoyed the weekend as a family.  After the first of the year, we started going to church again.  We slip in a bit late (to avoid greeting people) and usually slip out right before the close of the service.  A few people have tried to shake my hand and I've told them I'd prefer a hug rather than touching hands.  No one has acted offended.  We sit near the back, so if anyone coughs or sneezes I, hopefully, won't be their target!!!

    Anyway, it's SO GOOD to be back in church.  I haven't been since my birthday/Easter (April 12th) last year, when the church prayed for my physical healing and then I went into seclusion.


    Yesterday morning, my nurse coordinator came by to see how things were going with the medical program I use and to be sure I was getting the household help I needed.  I told her my wonderful news and she was thrilled for me.  She's a Christian and said she had chills as I told her of God's goodness and mercy.


    Yesterday I had to have MORE tests.  My general physician ordered a bone density test, a nerve test, and a hearing test.  I was sure they'd find a hearing problem, but the gal who gave me the tests said my hearing was normal.  My problem must be a focusing problem and not a hearing problem.  When there is distracting noise, I can't hear well. 

    The "nerve test" was uncomfortable.  They put little tabs with wires on your feet and hands and then shock you (mildly, but still . . . .) to see how your hand or feet respond.  It wasn't pleasant and she said I tolerated it VERY well.  I guess that means I hid my screams!  I likened it to child birth - it's easier if you roll with the punches!

    I got to tell THAT gal about my cancer testimony. 


    After the doctor's office, we stopped so I could buy a gift for a friend and then checked our post office box for checks.  Sure enough, we had 5 substantial checks that were late pays for last year's work!  Money, in the winter, is always a pleasant surprise!

    Our last stop was Wal-Mart.  This was one of the shortest trips (and cheapest) we've made to Wal-Mart in a long time.  We only needed milk, juice, and fresh fruit. 

    I was on a quest for doilies and construction paper to make Valentine projects with the girls.  Since they aren't in public school or around many children, I'm going to have the 3 of them make a pouch (two paper plates put together with one cut in half) to hold their Valentine cards.  Then, we'll make "Valentine cards" with our craft stuff.  Over the next few weeks, I want the girls to (DAILY) find something they love about their sisters and write it on a Valentine card and drop it in their sister's pouch.  The pouches will be hung on the doorknobs of their bedrooms.  I think it will help them appreciate each other more.  It's always best to look for the good in people and not quarrel about the bad.

    Someone asked me if our house was always as peaceful as it appears in the pictures.  NO!  It's absolutely not peaceful OR quiet OR serene.  I wish I could have answered "yes" but I'd be a liar! LOL

                                                     After church on Sunday.

    I have finally finished my list of A Beka books I have for sale.  Some will be sold with the teacher's book as a set, and I have a couple workbooks that can be sold alone.  I checked with A Beka online and all but one of my books is current - so, you can still order the child's workbook that matches the teacher's edition or curriculum.

    Please message me if you are interested, and I will send my list to you.

    It's about time to start school.  My cleaning lady will come today after lunch.  It looks like we have a huge winter storm moving in again on Thursday.  They said this one would bring a lot of ice and then quite a bit of snow.  My helper may not be able to drive (this Friday) through snow packed roads, so I have to make her visit today count!

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Praise God!

    I have more good news.

    The fact God loves me so much, and is full of grace and mercy, makes me want to shout from the rooftop what He has done for me.  I want to tell my story over and over to people who have been given a bad medical report, or any other bad news. 


                                         (A black, leather watch I bought with some Christmas money.)


    GOD LOVES EVERYONE and He doesn't have favorite people.  He doesn't arbitrarily do more for one person, than another.  In His eyes, we are equal.  His love for us is equal.

    Yesterday's physical exam lasted about 2 1/2 hours.  I was checked from head to toe.  I took the paper copies of my cancer history from when they found the tumor, to when they found it had metastasized to my bone, to the recent reports of no tumors seen.

    I had lab work done and even ear wax removed from my left ear.  I hadn't been able to hear out of my left ear and assumed it was just a slight hearing loss due to my getting older.  It was an embarrassingly, HUGE plug of wax and took the nurse quite a while to work it loose with a warm water irrigation.  What an amazing difference!  I had crisp, clear hearing, after the plug was removed.

     IMG_0215   IMG_0214

                                                              (Two dogs and a cat!)                               


    They did an EKG AND tested my lung power with some sort of a machine that measured the force of air you use when blowing.  The EKG report looked just fine and they said my lung power was better than what someone my age, weight, and whatever, was predicted to register.  So, I'm *definitely* full of hot air!   The chemo therapy doesn't appear to have damaged my heart.  I had lab work done and it will (later) tell if any other organs were damaged.

    I had to fill out the usual reams of paper questionnaires - everything from childhood diseases to my current mental state of mind.

    After several hours, I went to the doctor's office to hear his "verdict."

    He came in, sat behind his desk, while I sat in a chair across from him.  He looked over my lab work, took off his glasses, and looked at me across the desk.


                                                  (Chirper loves "his" bird, Tango!)


    Shaking his head in disbelief, he said, "You are one VERY lucky lady, in more ways than one.  Looking at you when you walked in with your story, I'm very surprised by what I have found and can only say, you are one incredibly lucky person."

    I was a little confused about what he was measuring me against, so I asked, "You mean coming through chemo and getting some of my energy back?"

    He said, "Well, yes *that* and also the fact your blood work shows you have EXCELLENT good cholesterol levels - almost 50% higher than we like to see in women.  Much of this isn't due to eating right, but simply your genetic make up.  You inherited some VERY good genes for a long healthy life."

    I said, "I'm glad my blood work looked so good.  I've had a rough year."  

    He discussed other things that all looked okay and said he could get me in next Monday for a bone density test, rather than wait until April, when the cancer place had me scheduled.  He also said they would give me a hearing test on Monday, now that the wax was gone!!

    Then he stood up and walked around the desk to me, so I stood up, too.  He put his hand on my upper arm and squeezed it and said, "You know, your response to chemo and radiation is very rare?"

    I told him I was aware of that fact.

    He continued, "For a woman who *just* has a diagnosis of breast cancer, it isn't as amazing that her tumors would shrink; and, every now and then, we see them go away and surgery isn't necessary.  But, your breast cancer was H-U-G-E and had metastasized to your bone.  When a woman's cancer metastasizes . . . well, you NEVER see that person completely tumor free, NEVER.  You are one very lucky lady."

    So . . .

    I had to tell him about God!!!

                                   2010_01_22 002

                                                                (Muffins Rissy made this morning.)


    It's with such pleasure that I tell my story to people and give God the glory.  I want everyone to know the work God has done in me and I want to give God recognition.  I want to encourage and give people a reason to hope.  A reason to pray.  A reason to not give up in a difficult situation.  A reason to ASK God for what you want and a reason to exercise your faith.  Children ask parents for the things they desire, and we may ask our heavenly Father - it's Biblical to ask (Matthew 7:11). 

    I'm not just talking about someone who receives a report of cancer or any other debilitating disease (like I received); but, I'm talking about using faith when given ANY bad report.  Financial fear when it comes to paying your bills.  Loss of a job.  Death of a loved one.  Divorce.  God is here for us - ALWAYS.  We have to exercise our faith and believe His Word is ALL true.

    God is right here with us and, during these "bad report" times, He can teach us (better than ever) to stay close to Him and trust Him.  I *had* to trust Him with my life - completely.  I had to pray, "Lord, this is so big, YOU are the only one who can fix this.  I can't.  The medical world can't.  Men and the world of medicine have limitations, but you have no limitations.  Nothing is impossible for YOU!"

                                  2010_01_22 001

                                               (Sun shining on this beautiful January morning.)


    After receiving the good report on the status of my whole body, my back began to hurt.  It hurt BAD last night.  Pain pills, a heating pad, and staying on  my back in bed did no good.  The pain continued.  Then, I put a CD of hymns in the CD player by my bed, took out a hymnal, and read the words as the choir sang.  I soon became more comfortable and the pain relaxed its hold on me.

    I will NOT let the devil rob me of my joy.  I will NOT give up and quit praying for myself and others.  I will NOT let the devil whisper in my ear things like, "God can't do what you think He has done.  It didn't really happen." 

    I praised God again last not for the gift of life he gave me at birth, and I praised Him for the life He gave back to me last year.  There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not keenly aware of the miracle that has taken place in my life. 

    My heart's desire is to praise Him and tell others there is a reason to have hope. 


    Be Blessed  ~


  • I'm Still Here

    Well, I'm still here.  Yesterday didn't kill me.

    Jesse got home very late, just after I had gotten in bed to read.  We went to sleep some time after midnight.

    Today is another day and my attitude is a different attitude. 

    When I went to bed, I picked up a little book I started January 1st.  I guess you'd call it a daily devotional type of book.

    These were the words that popped out (remember my ugly day yesterday???):

    For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.  Romans 8:13

    (oops! I thought to myself) 

    The devotional started out saying:

    "It is a fact that our old man has been crucified with Christ, but it must be remembered that we are still living in our old bodies subject to habits and appetites which were formed by the old man.  All of these are to be dealt with, and each one must be put to death.  There is still a vast field in which we are to win victories.  We can add nothing to that which the Lord Jesus did on the cross for us, that is a finished work into which we are to enter by faith, but in the realm of habits which we formed before we became Christians, there is without doubt much land to be possessed.  These habits must never be confused with the old man which was crucified." (L. L. Legters)

    (double oops! I thought) 

    Did I get angry yesterday during school and give my children a "speech" in an angry voice?


    Did I act like Luci, during one of her fits, and lower myself to that same behavior level?


    Do I know better than to lower myself to such an emotional level that I screamed?


    Did I pray first, before my emotions got out of control?


    Did it even cross my mind to ask, "What would Jesus do?"


    Did the words of my devotional jump out and grab my very soul and spirit and correct me?


    Does God give us the grace to wake up the new day with a fresh slate and correct our errors made yesterday?


    Am I going to choose to follow God's example?


    Thank you Lord for grace, healing, and a new morning each day. o/


    Little Bit still needs a bath - his last bath was a week ago, but he smells like mud and rain (i.e. stinky dog).


    I'm going to take that bath I missed last night.  I'm going to give LIttle Bit a bath.  I'm going to bathe my spirit and renew my mind.  I might even play some music (Christian) while I bathe and meditate on the words.

    Then, Jesse and I are going to the girls' appointment and, at the same time, I'll see my old doctor (insurance will pay for him, now) and have a general physical.

    After that?  Who knows.

    But, today is a glorious new day (and our taxes say we have a fat refund waiting for us!). 


    Thank you God for still loving me after yesterday!



    Be Blessed


  • Exhausted!

    So very sleepy, here!

    Jesse left early this morning (the alarm woke me up at 6:15am) to work with a friend of his.  I'm not exactly sure what this friend does (something about installing hydraulic lifts) and I'm not sure Jesse knew!


    It was one of "those days" with homeschooling.  I was so "done" with everything, I had to get up and leave the table, take lunch alone in my bedroom, and stay in "time out" in my bedroom for several hours.  All 3 girls had crying issues during school this morning.  Can you blame hormones on 7,  almost 9, and almost 10 year old girl children?  I mean REALLY!!!!

    As if homeschool wasn't punishment enough, the dog (Little Bit) dug out under the fence.  He hasn't done that in a long time and we quit monitoring him during his bathroom duty.  I figured he went to the neighbor's house, again, and I went to her gate and called and called for him.  No success.

    The girls ran up and down our street (I know they did, I could hear them!) calling for Little Bit.  They were so upset when they came back without him.  I was so upset (still) from homeschool, I think I just stared at them with glassy eyes.

    Eventually he was found. 

    At the neighbor's house. 

    As I suspected.

    I guess he didn't feel like answering me when I called and called at the gate!  I've had the feeling all day that no one is listening to me. 

    He was crying because he couldn't get back to our side of the fence. 

    So, the girls rescued him.  (sigh)

    Bad dog!


    After all of that, and I don't know why, I felt like this was a good day to work on our taxes again.  Don't tell me chemo hasn't effected my judgment. 

    I have no judgment.

    I'm an idiot.

    I finally finished our taxes after working on them from late afternoon through tonight.  I'm whooped.  I'm glad I got them done and I'm only waiting on some paper work in the mail to verify my figures.


    Rissy made dinner.  Such a help.  Spaghetti, salad, and garlic toast.  Later, she and I split the last of a chocolate cream pie I made the other night!

    Jesse STILL isn't home.  It's almost 11:30pm and it's raining cats and dogs.  Well, it's raining hail and there is lightning everywhere.

    Jesse just called.  He is delivering a trailer full of "stuff" (I don't know what) and is stuck on the Interstate in a hail storm that has made driving hazardous.  I know it's hazardous.  They have warnings on the TV, right now.  He called so I wouldn't worry. 

    Not worry? 

    There's hail so deep, the road is covered in ice and he told me there has been a wreck.  I could hear the hail beating the top of his truck while we talked.  He's stuck in traffic moving 25mph and going in a direction AWAY from our home.  After he gets there and makes the delivery, he has to make it all the way back to our town/house.

               Can you smile, kitty kitty?                                            There we go!  Good boy!              

    I think I will go to bed and read.  I can't take a bath - not without someone "big" being here.  I hope my unsteadiness goes away soon.  I'd love to be independent enough to take a bath alone!

    The bed and a heating pad sound like a very inviting call.

    I believe I'll answer the call!!!

    Be Blessed  ~

  • Snowy Pictures

    (Today I'll share pictures of our Christmas Eve blizzard.)


    It's been a busy day!  A day that was started VERY early by me!

    I woke up earlier than usual and found Jesse sleeping on the formal living room sofa. 

                           2009_12_27 019

    It's a sad statement when a sofa is more comfortable than your own bed.

    I think we will be buying ANOTHER mattress when our tax refund comes in!  Not because we want to, but because it's become a necessity.


                          2009_12_27 020

                             (Snow angels weren't as fun as they had anticipated.  VERY cold!)


    Both of us are having a horrible time with our backs, and my hips and shoulder blades hurt.  My skin literally feels bruised, like I've been hit or slapped.  We're pretty sure it's the mattress.

    We have been using a memory foam mattress topper - I think 3" or thicker - that I bought at Target a few years ago.  It's guaranteed for 5 years, but I think ours is about done after only 3 years and, of course, I don't have the receipt!.

    We took it off the bed last week and that's when our horrible back aches started.

                           2009_12_27 022  

    I woke up this morning on my left side with my left arm asleep.  It went all the way down to my fingers.  I poked my left thumb with my fingernails and could feel nothing.  I'm talking seriously numb!

    Jesse said he woke up in the early morning hours with a headache and felt it was the mattress and pillow pulling on his neck and shoulders.  We're going to put the foam mattress topper back on and pray until some money comes in! 

                             2009_12_27 023

               (Stormy checking out the snow that fell off the front door.  One of the last pictures of Stormy.)


    This is the second king size bed we have purchased in the past 7 years.  Sounds a little excessive to me.  Fortunately, Jesse's cousin worked at a furniture store and we received a huge discount on both beds.  The first one was too soft (Annamarie has it, now) and this one is too hard.  Do I sound like Goldilocks?!   We'll be on our own with our next purchase.  His cousin moved out of state!

                             2009_12_27 024

    This week was supposed to be warm (upper 50s and low 60s), but today was overcast and damp and now it's become very windy.  The house felt chilled.  Rissy mentioned something about being cold, so I knew it wasn't just me.  Not one to sit in a chilly house, I mixed up a batch of peanut butter cookies this afternoon.  AND put on a zip up sweat shirt jacket!  I feel much better!

                             2009_12_27 025

    The girls were thrilled by the cookies AND the fact some American Girl Books I had ordered from eBay arrived today.  I'm so pleased with the purchases.  They are like new books for about half the cost of new.  I ordered 23 or 24 in all.  The one set was mixed stories about different girls and the second set was all Kirsten's 6 books.  I should have had my camera when they saw the stack of books on my desk!  I'm so glad my children like to read.

                              2009_12_27 026

    I had to let go of my computer again yesterday.  The guy that erased everything and reloaded our computer (when it had that virus) forgot to reload MicroSoft Word.  I had no way to type a document and no Excel to make charts.  I'm back in business today.

    My new cleaning gal didn't come today.  She called to say she had a really runny nose that she thought was allergies, but couldn't promise me she wasn't coming down with a cold.  Of course, I can't be around people who are sick . . . so, my house didn't get cleaned today.  Her next day to work will be on Friday.  I hope she feels better.  I'm looking forward to taking a lot of cleaning responsibility away from the girls.  They really do A LOT around here.

                               2009_12_27 027

    Yesterday Jesse had the girls with him.  He passed a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant and Rissy said she'd buy if he'd stop and get some chicken wings!  ALL of the girls said they'd chip in.  Tonight I've put up the ground beef that was going to be spaghetti and Jesse has gone to pick up wings!  They are on sale for 40 cents each, today.  Each girl chipped in a bit of money.  I don't think we've ever let them do that before, but I think it's nice for children to have the opportunity to do something for their parents or family.  (I put a $5 bill in the heap, myself!)

    Jesse is helping me get the stack of textbooks I want to sell together.  If any of you know of anyone who can use some school books for children just starting in school (either homeschool or needing extra practice at home), I'll be listing my books by the end of the week.

                             2009_12_27 028

    I took a discarded bookcase from Rissy's old room and put it next to my bed (next to a bigger bookcase) and the shelves have remained bare.  I haven't gotten around to getting to the bedroom to organize the books.  I'm thinking of putting them on the shelves by subject matter - much like a library.

    I should go and put away the dishes I left to dry on the bar, from baking cookies this afternoon.  Jesse will be back soon with our chicken wings.  The prospect of no dishes tonight is music to my ears!


    Be Blessed

  • Some New News

    I haven't had a chance to get on here and write.  I've kept busy these past 3 or 4 days! 

    I had promised pictures of Annamarie's new hair cut (after the "accident" she had with a round brush!) and I wanted to show pictures of my triple chocolate cookies I baked a week, or so, ago! 

    I mean, c'mon, chocolate is always welcome, right?

    IMG_0208  IMG_0209  It all started with a box of chocolate fudge cake mix . . . .


    And, Annamarie's hair experience all started when her Daddy innocently bought her a round brush, not knowing people who have hair past their fanny can't use that type of brush! 

    IMG_0262   IMG_0263 She has beautiful hair, so nothing you do to it looks bad.  But, she is highly embarrassed to have such short hair, while her sisters still sport long hair.  I told her it's all relative - after all, take a look at my shorter-than -short hair!!!!  Next to me in the mirror, she has VERY long hair! LOL



    I received WONDERFUL news at my appointmnet last week.  The results from my PET scan and MRI, done right before Christmas, showed that my vertebrae tumors have shrunk away and are replaced with a fatty substance.  That's the same thing that happened when my breast tumors disappeared.

    The onoclogist used words like, "highly unusual response" and she reiterated that less than 1% (stressing the "less than") of patients with Stage 4 breast cancer experience what had happened to me. 

    It was hard for Jesse and me to process what she was really saying. 

    He had to leave the appointment to take Luci to another appointment (for testing) and I had the opportunity to spend another 10 minutes of "alone time" with my doctor.  Before I got too excited, I wanted to be sure I was really understanding what she was saying, and not exaggerating (in my head) what I "wanted" to hear. 

    I said, "So you're saying this is really a huge thing . . . what's happened to me and all, right?"  And she said "Yes.  It is VERY huge.  It's phenomenal!"  

    I told her how my back had been healed once before - when my vertebrae were collapsing on top of each other (severe degenerative disc disease) and how I was sent to a specialist at the city's teaching hospital. 

    I had brought x-rays (taken from an appointment in March) to compare with what was currently (July) going on.  The head of orthopedics looked at the x-rays taken that day (which revealed nothing but a very "youthful spine" - his words) and he couldn't explain what had happened. 

    My oncologist's response to that story was, "Well, it's happened again!"


    That explains my pictures of chocolate, today.  They are part of my healing and part of my celebrationg what God has done!  I told my doctor I believed God had sent me to her and she was led to use the right chemo therapy and radiation therapy on my cancer.  I told her how grateful I was for all she had done and that I was glad she would be my doctor for the rest of my life.  I feel VERY comfortable with her and trust her judgement.  She had a "big ol' smile" on her face and gave me a huge hug when she left the room.

    Thanks to all of you who have prayed diligently for my healing!  I know God has heard us all, as we petitioned Him with my needs. 

    Now, I am praying that He will grow the bone back in my vertebrae in the spots where cancer has eaten the bone up.  Much like a termite eating holes into a building's foundation, my entire skeletal structure is compromised.  The medical profession said bones don't grow back, but (as I told my oncologist), "God grew my bones in the first place and is the ONLY one who can grow them back a second time."  And that's what I'm asking for - another miracle.



    I am cleaning out cupboards again.  It's kept me busy this weekend.  We switched the bedrooms of Luci & Rissy.  Luci's temper tantrums are very loud and upsetting to the rest of us, so we put her at the end of the hall, to make her screams less noticeable.  Her new medication is working, but she still has these "rage" melt downs . . .  they just don't last as long.

    Rissy is happy enough with her new room, but said she thought we needed to "decorate a bit"  I was so proud of her for not complaining.  Her former room is periwinkle blue and filled with lots of pink trimmings, as well as beautiful pictures in lavender, periwinkle, and pink.  She had an antique mahogany dresser and a huge closet,  Her new room's closet (the size of a coat closet) is used for my formal table linens, florals, and excess bedding.  She'll have to move her clothes to Annamarie's closet, and we'll take Luci's clothes out of there and move them down to Rissy's old room. 

    In going through our closets and cupboards, I came upon some TEXTBOOKS I WILL PUT UP FOR SALE.

    The textbooks are by A Beka and are for children 3, 4, and 5 years old (preschool, K4 & K5)

    I"ll make the prices reasonable and the price will include shipping costs (media mail).

    Keep your eyes open and be watching for my Sale!



    There are quite a few things waiting for me - one of which is school!  I should quit writing and do what I'm supposed to be doing! 

    I enjoy writing so much more than doing my chores!


    Be Blessed  ~


  • Running Behind

    I feel so far behind, posting pictures, and writing something for today.  It's almost time for sleepy-bye-land and I'm just sitting down at the computer!!!

    Tonight, I'll share pictures from the Christmas get together Stephanie had at her place for the littles and me.

    (Tina, this may be the only pictures I have of the girls' dresses!  But, I will take some soon!)

                   2009_12_27 001

    The minute I got to Stephanie's apartment, JanaLyn insisted I see her new bedroom decor.  It's not really new, but new to me.  "Hello Kitty" everywhere and VERY pink and VERY girl-like!  The girls were silly and posed on her bed!

                 2009_12_27 002                            Thanks so much, Mrs. K, for teaching my girls everything they know!!! LOL

    I took pictures of the silly girls and forgot to take pictures of the room's decor (rolling my eyes!).


    2009_12_27 003 2009_12_27 004 The party table had veggie tray, cheese ball with crackers, sandwich makings tray, shrimp with cocktail sauce, and cookies from me.  Yum!  Yum!  Aren't these girls cute?  They're getting to be so grown up!


                   2009_12_27 005   

    The gifts almost covered up the tree.  A pretty one with all sorts of ornaments Stephanie has collected over the years.


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    I tried to get a single shot of each child with her gift.

    2009_12_27 008 2009_12_27 009   

    Stephanie - our oldest daughter.

            2009_12_27 010          2009_12_27 011

    Stephanie's main gift from me was a photo album of pictures of our family, dating back to my Grandpa's picture from World War I.   I tried to write a bit of history in the book, as far as who was related to who, and named and dated each photo.  She can hand the album down to JanaLyn in the future.


    I don't think she was sure what it was when she first opened it.  There were two albums in the box.  One large book of family and another smaller one with pictures of her as a child at each birthday party, vacations we took, pets she had, etc.  I also wrote little "quotes" I had collected on various pages in the smaller book and decorated those pages with little hand drawn flowers, etc.

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    She decided the whole idea was pretty cool and laughed at pictures of herself in the 1980's with big, high bangs, and her dressed in the current fashion!!!!

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    Her exhusband, JanaLyn's daddy, was there and she showed him the book and talked about all her ancient relatives!


    Someone asked (yesterday???) about Annamarie having short hair.  I guess I forgot to mention that she had an accident with a round brush.  She had rolled the hair (on the side of her head) around the brush, then pulled it tight.  The hair that was caught was over and behind her right ear.  There was no way to cut out the brush and leave the rest of her hair long - it would have been VERY obvious!  So, I cut it off to make it even.  Her hair was down to her rear end and now it's curled around her chin.  A dramatic change for her.  I will have to make a point of taking some pictures of her new hair cut.  Since we don't cut our hair in our family, it was very traumatic for her.  I've saved the ponytail to send and donate to "Locks of Love." 

    Jesse said he bought the brush not knowing long hair was hazardous and he felt bad that the brush had to be cut out of her hair.  She grows hair quickly, so maybe by summer she will be able to pull it back in a short ponytail.


    Speaking of hair . . . Thanks for the compliments on my hair.  I'd prefer it to be long again, but ANY hair is better than being bald!  LIke I said yesterday, in person, my hair is platinum and no where near as dark as the photos reflect.  In fact, my hair has photographed dark for a few years, despite the fact it has turned lighter and lighter!


    We went to Wal-Mart today.  We did our shopping a little early this week.  Bought a lot of fresh produce - many things to make salads with, and some fresh fruit to snack on.  It was odd, the shelves didn't have a good variety at all - maybe Wednesday is a bad day to shop.  I also bought some whipped cream cheese to make "California Sandwiches."  Cream cheese with thin cucumber slices, sliced black olive, diced tomato, and a bit of lettuce piled on top.

    Lest I give the impression I am ALL GOOD . . .  I must confess, I also bought two boxes of bakery donuts for tomorrow morning!

    I was glad to find (and bought) a CD for "2009 Turbo Tax" and will load that, in the next few days, to begin work on our tax return.  I'm probably more excited about that than I am the donuts.  Weird - I know!


    We have various medical appointments Thursday and Friday.  Luci is to be tested on Friday (I suspect some type of reading disability) and I will find out (the same day) the results of my PET Scan (brain and organs) and MRI (the whole spine) that were done last December. 

    I'm thinking the news won't be bad, or they would have called me immediately to start some type of treatment.  I'm hoping the news is really GOOD news and not just, "Things look about the same."  I'd really like to hear the cancer tumors in my vertebrae have significantly shrunk.

    I'll also have to have my monthly bone IV medication.  That will be a LONG day for me.  I'll have to bring my book and maybe I'll be able to finish it while I sit and sit and sit.


    Speaking of books, due to the fact "Cousin Monica and Cousin Lori" have decided to log the books they read this year AND rate them, I have succumbed to self applied pressure and decided to do the same!!!  I bought a small spiral notepad today to start my recording.  I'm getting a thrill from the prospect of looking back at the end of this year to see all the books I've read.

    Like the Turbo Tax purchase, I get a thrill from odd things!


    I should go.  I've have an ache between my shoulders and up into my neck all day.  It feels like someone whacked me with a board.  The heating pad helped ease the ache when I got home, but it would be wise for me to get ready for bed and use the heating pad, again, while I read.


    Be Blessed  ~


  • A No Show

    I raced around yesterday, getting surface areas in my kitchen, bathroom, and desk cleared off so the cleaning lady (who was to start work) would have access to the surfaces needing cleaning.

             2010_01_10 046

                                                                  An attempted self portrait.

                                          My forehead looks like one of those wrinkly, loose skin dogs!


    Not an issue.  She didn't show up.  She was late the first time (for her interview) and then over an hour late yesterday by the time I called the service who provides the helpers. 

    After a short discussion (details would be unkind) they made the decision to send someone else. 

    THAT person called, we chatted about my needs, and she said she would be available on Tuesdays and Fridays - Yay! That's much better than Monday's and Wednesdays.  She is supposed to start today around 1pm.  Since I have an oncology appointment this Friday, she said she could give me an extra hour today, if need be.

                 2010_01_10 012

                                                     Annamarie, in between bites of popcorn!


    I don't know if I have enough work to keep her busy for that many hours, today.  They are limited on what help they can give a client.  Many of the things I need done, they don't provide. 

    They don't dust off window blinds or ceiling fans.  Those are the things I'm NOT supposed to do (arms over my head for a long time) and my children are too short to do for me. 

    It's a new experience for me, so I'm sure it will work out after some time.

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                                                          See Chirper behind me on the bed?


    Last night, I found pictures of the girls and me on my new camera.  I tried to take pictures of myself.  I don't know how all of you do that - holding the camera in your outstretched arm. 

    Every picture makes me look like I have a large, flat nose.  I don't.  I have a tiny nose, but the film doesn't portray smallness AT ALL!!!! 

    Also, my hair is white, with under shades of light sable.  The pictures make me look like I have *GRAY* hair.  I don't have one strand of gray.  It's VERY platinum or VERY bright white looking. 

    I used my new camera and there is so much to learn!!  I try to play around with it a little bit each week.

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                                       This was meant to show the length of my new hair growth.

                                                        I promise it isn't this dark, at all!!!


    I thought I had an appointment on Thursday of this week, but Jesse looked at my appointment book (last night) and said my appointment was NEXT Thursday.  I'm trying to reestablish my relationship with my old doctor (one I could no longer afford), as he is the same doctor who sees the girls. 

    I needed to choose a general physician (required by my insurance company) and my new coverage allows me to PICK rather than go to a clinic THEY PICK for me.  The new insurance allows me more prescriptions to be filled each month and is where my domestic help is coming from.  IF I should ever get to the point where I need a walker or bars around the toilet to help me stand up (or any other medical equipment), they provide those things for free.

    Now, if only they provided eyeglasses and vision service.  AND dental would be good!  I'm on my own with those two expenses.  I'm not meaning to sound like I'm complaining or ungrateful.  We received a bill last week from the cancer treatment place I use.  My oncologist's charges, lab work, radiation treatments, and chemo room IV's (for the past *6 MONTHS*) were $24,000+. 

    We had been paying a co-pay all along and somehow missed paying for a few things.  Our bill was asking for $13.00!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?  $13.00 out of $24,000.00+ is all we owe!

             2010_01_10 034

                                                  Rissy and Luci - "caught" by the camera!


    Teaching went okay, yesterday.  The children worked at the formal dining room table, instead of the kitchen table.  I thought the cleaning lady was coming, so started them in a place where they would be disturbed.  They'll have to sit there again today, since a NEW cleaning person is supposed to arrive 1pm. 


    Yesterday, I took care of a bunch of business on the phone and reloaded some things back onto my computer.  I did more filing of our bills and other stuff - a lot of desk work.  Somehow my Microsoft Office and Excel was erased and I have no way to reload them.  They want a 25 digit code, or something like that, to register my computer software.  Anyway, I can't find what they want in my files - so it has to go back to the computer store so they can load what I need. 

    I think this is one thing that makes me really loose patience quickly.  I have become very dependent on immediate access to things I need.  I never thought I'd see the day - but here I am; a pathetically hooked pawn in the great Chess game of life!!!!!

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                                                             Rissy and Luci day dreaming!


    Over the weekend, I got all of our papers for IRS together in monthly order, as well as dollar amounts totalled.  I'm waiting to buy Turbo Tax and go to work on our taxes.  I sure don't want an undependable computer, when I get into recording all of those income figures and depreciation of equipment amounts.  If my computer lost all that information while I was working on it, I think I'd flip out.  At least the CD Rom is working again and I can back things up on a disc.

    Today, I need to finish frosting a pumpkin cake that I put in the freezer.  I just need to make up the cream cheese frosting and I'm planning on trying orange juice in the cream cheese instead of using cream.  Maybe the orange flavored frosting and pumpkin spice cake will taste really good.

    I guess that's it for today.  I need to get dressed, teach, and frost that cake.  Dinner will be simple - VERY simple, since I haven't one idea about what to cook tonight!


    Be Blessed  ~



  • Back in the Swing of Things

    I'm trying to get back in the swing of things, again.  Hard to believe it's 2010!!! 

    I enjoyed hanging my new calendar and writing everyone's birthdays and anniversaries down.  I usually do that on the first of January, but didn't feel well and it was finally done a few days later.  This is the calendar I chose for 2010.  I have ordered from Lang Co. for the past 5 years, or so.  I like their artists.


    I have my computer back (and it is no longer moving at a snail's pace) and am trying to figure out how to edit pictures from my new camera.  I tried to upload some last night (here on Xanga) and, after 15 minutes, one picture hadn't even uploaded.  I think the problem was the quality was set for excellent, something that isn't necessary for computer pictures!  My pictures, today, are taken with the new Canon.

                                                       Flowers from Jesse - our 12th anniversary.

    I'll try to catch up everyone with pictures from the past and my boring (lately) life.

    I'll share pictures from our anniversary dinner, January 2nd.

    I cooked a seafood meal, this year, because it's cheaper AND I was sick and didn't feel like (nor did I think it was wise) getting out in the cold, to go to a restaurant.

    We did a bit of school last week.  A complete disaster.  I'm hoping this week will begin to smooth itself out.  Maybe they just needed to be reminded "HOW" we do school around here!

                                                   The butter and seasonings I mixed up to saute the scallops.

    I still miss Stormy.  I think I see her or "expect" to see her around every corner.  I guess that will pass in time. 

    The dogs are well and the bird is sassy as ever!  Chirper still sleeps with me.  In fact, I have some pictures of him lying on my heating pad before I got to bed!  Pretty cute.  I'll share those eventually.

                                                                                        My plate.
                                      Sea scallops, white rice, and peas & carrots (the girls ate chicken breasts).

    Today the lady who is supposed to help me with cleaning twice a week will be here for her first cleaning visit.  She came last week for a walk through and interview.  I hope it works out for her and us.  She will come on Monday's and Wednesdays.  She and I would have preferred Mondays and Thursdays, but the girls have a standing therapy appointment on Thursdays.  On the chance that I still won't be able to drive when Jesse's lawn season starts back, he'd prefer to take the girls on Thursday, rather than Friday.

    I've made a list of things I need done and, over time, I hope to have a routine established fairly soon.


    I need to hop in the bathtub and get dressed.  The girls are used to playing and doing mainly nothing around here, and it's time I cracked the whip!

    Jesse has gone to wash both of the vehicles!  I'm the only slug.  Gotta go!

    Be Blessed  ~