Month: October 2008

  • Meals, Thievery, Classes, Fall

    Did Friday really arrive this soon???!!!  It’s been a busy week.

    Wava the Wafflemaker did her job very well, again, yesterday morning!  I LOVE this wafflemaker.  This is the one I purchased from E-Bay.  I haven’t had breakfast yet and this is looking pretty yummy this morning!

    I don’t know why pancake batter tastes so different when it’s in the shape of a waffle.  But it does!

    The waffles turned out DE-licious! and I was sorry I ran out of batter.  I should have made more, but who knew?

    Oops – bad news:
    I just got off of the phone with Jesse, who left only 15 minutes ago to mow.  He said he was coming back home because he got to a homeowner’s house and found that last night someone had stolen an edger and weed eater off of his trailer.  He keeps things locked up with a metal lock and I asked how they got it unlocked.  He said they broke the lock.  He has more of the same equipment in our garage.  The two things that were stolen total about $350.00, and we have no money to replace the stolen items.  This also means he will have to unload his trailer every night he comes home to be sure it doesn’t happen again.  ESPECIALLY TONIGHT.  Thankfully, the lawn season is almost over.  He just arrived and told me someone sawed through the lock’s metal bars.  Doesn’t sound like prank children, but more like adults that needed some equipment; or, someone who needed something that can be pawned this morning for money.  Jesse doesn’t want to call the police – doesn’t want to mess with it.

    I started a class last night.  Both Jesse and I should really be attending it, but we have no one to watch our children.  AND, it gives me a brief few hours a week to be with adults only.  The class follows a book and video called, “Growing Kids God’s Way” by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo.  Has anyone heard of them or the book?  We had an introductory video, only, because there are others who want to be a part of the group but couldn’t come last night.  I think one other couple has a babysitting problem (like us) and the wife will be the only one in attendance (like me).  I got a chance to get to know 2 more people in the church (very nice people, Laura & Ken) and spend some time with my friends Glenn & Reba, whom I always enjoy!  The video’s introduction talked about teaching the child’s heart so they develop a conscious for God.  EXACTLY what I have been pondering lately.

    Dinner, last night, turned into fish sticks, macaroni & cheese, and black peppered peas.  I forgot about the class when I pulled meat from the freezer.  AND, I busied myself all afternoon, after teaching, with planning lessons up through Monday & Tuesday of Thanksgiving week.  Yay, Cherylyn!  I even got the Greek & Latin recipe cards edged in green (for Greek) and red (for Rome or Latin) and picked the word roots and wrote what was necessary on the front and back of the cards (times 4) for the next three lessons.  That’s part of our Saturday school.  I also planned and made copies of the Bible hand outs I will need.  Dinner became rushed, but I’m SO GLAD I accomplished my lesson planning.

    Today, I don’t have many groceries to buy, so I’ll (hopefully) be home at a decent hour and can cook last night’s “supposed to be” menu.  Meatloaf (made with ground turkey & ground beef), potatoes, and broccoli.  JanaLyn will arrive later than usual tonight because her mother is taking her trick or treating.  We won’t even turn our porch light on to discourage children from coming to our house, as we don’t participate.

    For years I’ve had a beautiful and favorite site to visit to look at photos.  I use this site’s pictures for my computer’s wallpaper.  They are by Bill Coleman and I love all of his work.  You should visit his site to see for yourself.

    Since LauraLH has chosen to live vicariously through my seasonal pictures, I couldn’t help but giggle at Bill Coleman’s tree compared to the tree in my own front yard. 

    Laurie, I hope you get a laugh as you compare “his” and ‘hers”!!!!

    Bill Coleman’s tree (isn’t it gorgeous?) –

    And, MY tree; so, NOT gorgeous!

    Well, that’s not exactly true.  It IS a pretty tree, but is much younger than his tree and definitely doesn’t have that “fall flavor” yet!  Only the edges of the leaves are beginning to turn color.  They are still definitely attached!

    Not exactly very fall-ish or impressive, is it?  LOL!!!!  I’ll keep you posted, Laurie, on our tree’s progress!

    To Do List for Today:
    *  Get summer clothes up into the attic
    *  MAYBE get winter clothes down
    *  Teach quickie lessons in school (mainly tests)
    *  Girls’ therapy appointment
    *  NO LAUNDRY (I can’t believe it, either!)
    *  Mail some cards & check P.O. Box
    *  Pick up prescriptions at Wal-Mart while I do a little shopping (don’t need much this week)
    *  Stop at other pharmacy to pick up other prescriptions
    *  Make a better dinner than I did last night
    *  Wait for JanaLyn to arrive

    That should be enough to keep me happy!

    Be blessed  ~


  • Thursday Thirteen #40


    1.  I change the closets out.  Warm weather clothes go into the attic.  Cold weather clothes come down.  Right now, I have all warm weather clothes STILL sitting on the bar chairs, and the cold weather clothes remain in the attic.  The 70 degree temps predicted for the next week have caused my motivation to slip!

    2.  I start hunting out our electric blankets and put them on all beds.  We may not turn them on, but nights are chilly enough to require the weight of that extra blanket.

    3.  I burn all of last year’s fall/winter scented candles and buy new ones.  I like Mulled Cider, Hazelnut, and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from Wal-Mart.  My oldest daughter, Stephanie, pointed out:  if it smells like food, I usually like it!

    4.  I start our fireplace on the chilly evenings.  Sometimes I get to burn wood all day because of the low temperature!  I don’t do that for ambiance, so much, as I do it to keep us warm in the front part of the house.

    5.  I watch outside, like a hawk, for the color of the leaves to turn and then the leaves to begin dropping.  This week we are SO VERY CLOSE to that time!  There is an absolute and definite thrill that runs through me when the leaves begin to pile up.  Probably more so for me than Jesse.  He’s the one that has to rake them!

    6.  I like to stock up on boxes of gingerbread cake mix.  I guess I’m too lazy to learn to make gingerbread cake from scratch!  The girls know if gingerbread boxes are in the cart, it’s time to think about wearing sweat shirt jackets!

    7.  Usually I buy ONE jar of Musselman’s brand apple butter.  One odd way I like to eat it is on Ritz crackers.  I know!  I “said” I was odd!  Ritz crackers with apple butter is one of my few, *pleasant* high school memories!

    8.  I switch my headcoverings from white to black.  I prefer the black ones, anyway.  They are made of a different fabric and hold their shape better than the white ones.

    9.  I change my silk floral arrangements around the house to fall colors.  I even have a big sprig of orange and red maple leaves for one vase.

    10.  I begin to make things that slow-roast in the oven.  I do it for the extra heat it produces in the front of the house.  I like beef brisket, turkey, chicken, and pot roast.

    11.  I also begin to pull out my stockpots and make soups, stews, and chili.  We had chili 2 nights ago, made with ground turkey.  My nose and palate said, “Yay!”

    12.  I usually begin to become more interested in reading books.  I always like to read, but I find myself getting in bed earlier to have some reading time.  I definitely have lots of unread books on my shelves to choose from, this year!

    13.  I get excited about company coming for big dinners.  I prefer to entertain in the cooler weather when the house doesn’t get so hot; or, maybe I should say, when *I* don’t get so hot cooking and visiting with my guests!  I enjoy my guests more when I’m not drenched in perspiration!  And, let’s not forget about the biggest feast – Thanksgiving dinner.  There’s something about a crowd in my house that brings me pleasure.  And, using the kitchen table for children and the dining room table for adults is fun for me. 

    Interesting:  Five of my thirteen things listed are about food.  And ONE is about candles that smell like food.  I wonder what *THAT* means???!!! LOL !!!!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen
    code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a
    little bit better every Thursday.  Visiting fellow Thirteeners is
    encouraged!  If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in
    others’ comments.  It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links

  • Almost Wordless Wednesday

    Secret plans for another crop pattern or sidewalk chalk art?

    Does Rissy need a new bike?

    Luci’s new way of smiling.  No teeth, lips pressed together, and wrinkled nose.

    Should someone tell Annamarie that trampolines are used for JUMPING???!!!

    Thank you Mrs. K. for your inspirational suggested poses for pictures that you’ve inserted into my children’s lives!

    Happy Wednesday!

  • Late Tuesday Night

    I totally forgot I was tagged by my friend Lori who asked me to list

    “Six unspectacular things about myself”

    (There are far more than SIX UN-spectacular things about me – but I’ll pick only six!!!)

    1. I’m the shyest person (you’ve ever met) in a crowd.  No kidding!!!  It doesn’t matter if I know every single person in the room or if it’s a stranger’s party where I know no one.  I’m mortified at the idea of making small talk.  I don’t make small talk well.  Not at all.  I make yackety-yack talk just fine with the people I know *when* it’s about a particular subject.  I just can’t talk to strangers or make small talk pleasantries.  I clam up!

    2.  I talk too much.   The antithesis of the problem listed in #1.  *IF* I know you, and there is a *topic*, then I can talk so much I realize you haven’t inserted a comment for a while.  Not because you haven’t had a comment, but simply because you were unable to get a word in while I prattled on and on.  Embarrassing?  Yes!  But, I’m working on this one.  Actually, it’s been a life’s work project for me.

    3.  I love to cook. I learned early on, while my room mates were satisfied with a can of green beans for dinner or elbow macaroni with a can of tomatoes poured over it (gag!) the two menu items left me cold.  I don’t cook because I love the hobby.  I cook because I love to eat.  And, I cook because we don’t have money to eat the kind of food I want to eat for dinner each night.  You might call my cooking, “Sunday dinner 7 nights a week.”

    4. I have to have the WHOLE picture.  I can’t work on a chapter in a book because you told me such and such needs to happen.  I need to know WHY and what happened first.  I need to know WHERE we will go from there.  AND, I need to know WHO knows WHO and WHEN they met.  In other words, I don’t do well on segments of projects.  That being the sole reason I don’t delegate well, either.  I don’t know what I’m doing next until I get to it!  It’s better for me to work like a race horse and do the whole thing myself.

    5. The older I get, the more I enjoy staying home.  I have always enjoyed staying home, even as a child.  I would have been perfectly happy to have been home schooled. Now that I am older, I’d never go anywhere except the grocery store and doctor’s office if I didn’t have children (with appointments) and a husband who HATES staying home.  He needs something “to do.”  I have lots “to do” when I stay home.   I don’t understand *his problem* – not at all!

    6.  I sing all the time.  Not particularly well, any more.  I sing in the shower, I sing at my desk, I sing in the car, I sing while doing my chores, and I sing until someone tells me “All right, already!  Enough’s enough!”  Did I really just sing “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” a dozen and a half times?  Oops!  My bio Mom sang, so I sing.  I sing, so my next to the youngest daughter sings all the time, too.  I’d say it was genetic, but my second to the youngest is adopted.  I think it’s more like obnoxious than genetic!

    I tag Jen Dawne Amber Tina Jill and Lisa

    Now this is what y’all have to do:

    Meme terms & conditions:
    1. link the person who tagged you
    2. mention the rules on your blog
    3. list 6 unspectacular things about you
    4. tag 6 other bloggers

  • Chilly Tuesday

    It’s 10:15am and the
    temperature has “come up to” (!!! LOL !!!) 40 degrees.  I love it!  Of
    course, it’s supposed to be 74 degrees by Friday, but those isobars
    from Canada are pressing the heat down into Texas.  More often than not, it will be continually cooler!

    How much did I complete on my “To Do” list yesterday?  If it’s in red, it was finished!

    Transfer money into our personal account from the business account 
    Pay bills (there goes that deposit into our personal account!)
    Empty the dishwasher (Annamarie’s job) and fill it with dirty dishes in the sink
    *  Divide the ground turkey I bought on Friday before it rots
    Laundry – not sure whose, but *someone* has something to be washed – that’s a “given”  (I did mine)
    *  Get those warm clothes down from the attic
    *  Call PetSmart and order another case of Chirper’s food
    *  Clean the master bathroom

    Well, well, well . . . what happened halfway through that list?????

    Bills:  I wasn’t exactly idle.  I paid bills and had some problems, so many
    phone calls were made.  You know how long those take.  “For English,
    push 1.  For Spanish, push 2.  Please enter your account number
    INCLUDING the dash and final number.  Please enter your age and dress size!”  LOL!!!!  And, so it goes.  I find myself
    punching “0″ and getting the response, “I’m sorry.  I didn’t recognize
    that number.  Please try again!”  Or, with the voice response machines YELLING, “Customer
    Service!” while carefully pronouncing every syllable.  So, paying the bills took
    me 2 hours.  Yes, TWO HOURS!!!

    Other Calls: Then I spoke with our banker.  I decided a call was easier than
    dragging the girls and I to his office to ask the same questions.  He
    said we look like we’re in a very good position, regarding the
    declining economy.  We talked about the possibility of Jesse opening up
    another pawn shop.  He gave good advice there.  He also said he thought
    the mortgage rates (interest) would come down more AND the prime rate
    would decrease with it.

    The caseworker called again yesterday and asked if I had ever heard anything about our home study.  I told him I hadn’t heard a word.  He made several calls to me (of course, WHILE I was paying bills, then again WHILE I was eating lunch, and, finally, WHILE I was teaching!) and said his supervisor would start making calls today to get things moving.  He said she was upset that it had taken this long.  Sooooo, we’ll see!

    The Turkey:  I’ll get creative later on, when my brain is awake, and use some of
    that ground turkey for dinner tonight and package the rest of it up for
    the freezer.  Soon, it truly WILL be too late to freeze.  Then, I’ll have to make a 6 pound turkey meat loaf!!!

    Master Bathroom:  Rissy did the girls bathroom and I “may” ask her
    to clean ours today. 

    Chore Charts:  I’ve seriously thought about work charts for the
    girls, but I’m not so sure it’s necessary with the way our family
    runs.  We clean when things need to be cleaned.  And, everyone pitches in
    at the same time.  Sweeping tile floors, cleaning litter boxes, dishwasher
    emptying, trash emptying, and bathroom clean-ups are pretty much a specific person’s job
    and those same people are responsible for their own rooms.  The
    Pine-Sol’ing of the tile floors, dusting, vacuuming, and glass cleaning
    jobs are up for grabs.  We trade off between those jobs.  Although Luci
    hits more furniture than she does pick up carpet dirt when she vacuums!  

    *My* biggest jobs are teaching & lesson planning, cooking, doing dishes, dusting the high places (pictures and door frames, as well as using glass cleaner on the tall mirrors), laundry, dealing with bills and business calls.  I’m also the one to do those huge projects that occasionally come along . . . like changing clothing from summer to winter clothing.  Since it’s pretty much delineated in everyone’s minds, a chore chart doesn’t seem necessary.

    Speaking of my children, I found two more pictures (not sure how I missed them) to show-off our family.  They were of the girls.

    Picture #1

    Picture #2

    Which one should I send to our caseworker?  I’m thinking Picture #1.

    BTW, the caseworker was very pleased with the pictures I sent yesterday.  Maybe when he showed them to his supervisor and explained, these were former foster children we had adopted, that helped to light a spark under her.  Who knows?

    We’re doing well in school, keeping caught up.  I didn’t hold school Saturday – the girls were too hyper!  I told them Saturday would be a play day.  They actually asked me, “What does that mean?  What are we supposed to do?”

    LOL!! (rolling eyes)

    I told them “Just be children!”  So, they went outside and got dirty and stinky!!!

    I forgot to mention, I have a new keyboard and bought a laser mouse on Saturday.  We had three mouses (is more than one computer mouse “mice”???!!!!) with cords and not one of them would work without locking up!  I spent almost $35 on the laser “cordless” mouse and saved the receipt and packaging, JUST IN CASE!!!  I’m pretty tired of climbing under my desk to “fix things” all the time.  The camera cord doesn’t work well either.  I have to continually hook it up, disconnect it, hook it up, disconnect it  . . . The computer says it doesn’t recognize the hardware.  It’s a universal cord, so maybe that’s the problem.  Again, WHO KNOWS?

    There’s a lot I don’t know.  Except . . . my girls love school and, for that, I’m grateful.

    I took these this morning.

    Here is Annamarie going for the mini “white board” which they aren’t allowed to play with.  It leaves a dusty residue of black powder after being erased and then gets on other things.

    Next is Luci, teaching herself, I guess!

    We never have liquid on the table during school.  Look at all those cups!  Our books cost too much to have spillage on them!

    This is Rissy, teaching Luci to write different words.  Rissy the “boss” is always leading the others!

    Here we have all three “doing school” without me – the teacher! LOL

    I guess I should take their eagerness as a hint and get up from her to play “teacher” for a while.  We’ll see how many times I’m interrupted today!  I like to start after 10am – preferably around 10:30 – 11am.  Then we stop at 1 while I prepare lunch, and start back at 2pm to finish things up.  It works well for everyone.  They have a chance to wake up AND a lunch break stuck in there.  Works well for me too, I can only be patient for so long!!!!

    Be blessed ~

  • Cold Hands

    My hands are so cold this morning.  It’s near freezing outside and may reach “real” freezing temperatures tomorrow morning.  I dare not complain.  After hot flashes – no make that “being hot 24/7″ – these past 6 months, and constantly complaining about being too hot, I would never utter a word about being anything resembling “cold” not for the life of me!

    Jesse is mowing today.  This week and next will be the times he cuts lawns for the last go round this season.  Maybe he’ll get some calls for leaf clean-up jobs – we’ll have to see.  There are no prospects of any income that amounts to anything this winter.  A little difficult to contemplate.  But, we were in a similar position this time last year. 

    Last year, I was still visiting a “new” doctor through December while I tried to recover from my bout with pneumonia.  If you had told me last November 1st I would feel so good this same time a year later, I wouldn’t have believed you.  I was sure I had something fatal that everyone was missing when examining me; and, we had no money for me to see a specialist.  Glad I was wrong! 

    Last year, we had the added expense of Luci being in daycare ($400/month out of pocket expense) and a friend we paid to clean our home (since I couldn’t be around chemicals).  Instead of those expenses, we have a new truck payment that equals the same amount!  We’re not going to look at the circumstances this month, but the fact God has, and will again, always provided for us.

    Still no word from anyone wanting to set up an appointment to do our home study.  Our caseworker called last Wednesday afternoon while I was teaching school.  He asked, “Has anyone called you yet?”  My reply, “Nope.”  His remark, “Well I’m getting ready to call them right now!”  And that’s the last I’ve heard from anyone! 

    Besides teaching, I have quite a list of “To Do” things today.

    *  Transfer money into our personal account from the business account
    *  Pay bills (there goes that deposit into our personal account!)
    *  Empty the dishwasher (Annamarie’s job) and fill it with dirty dishes in the sink
    *  Divide the ground turkey I bought on Friday before it rots
    *  Laundry – not sure whose, but *someone* has something to be washed – that’s a “given”
    *  Get those warm clothes down from the attic
    *  Call PetSmart and order another case of Chirper’s food
    *  Clean the master bathroom

    I’m sure there are other things, but that’s what I have written down so I don’t forget.  My poor mind, these days!

    I didn’t feel well yesterday.  Kind of nauseated.  Felt not so great Saturday, too, now that I think about it.  I found time to read in my book yesterday afternoon and (gasp!) fell asleep again for a couple of hours!  This is becoming a habit – one that I like!  We had leftovers after church (ham casserole was fought over!!!) and I wasn’t hungry last night, nor was I up to fixing a roast leg of lamb.  The rest of the family decided on popcorn and, though I was in our bedroom, the smelled found it’s way to the back of the house and made my stomach feel less than settled.  I had some vanilla Activa yogurt I had bought for the cats (who refused to eat it), and an apple for my dinner.  I ate in the bedroom.  I had to force the small carton of yogurt and small green apple down.  After my 2 hour nap, I was afraid I wouldn’t fall asleep at night; but, I picked up my book, read a chapter and a half and was out like a light. 

    I don’t think the book is my reason for feeling sleepy, it’s a book I’m finding very enjoyable.  Maybe reading IN BED is my problem.  Or, maybe the fact I never slow down.  When I do (to read) I crash.  Who knows?

    So, dinner tonight is leg of lamb and some other stuff I haven’t thought about yet!!

    We took pictures of
    ourselves, after church yesterday.  That’s the only day of the week
    everyone is dressed with hair combed at the same time!!! LOL  We are
    supposed to submit pictures for our home study file and a letter that
    is shown to (or read to) the prospective foster children.  At least
    they have an idea of where they are going and what the people look like.

    Here are the pictures we took for our foster folder.

    This is one Rissy took while sitting down.  I’m not sure we’ll submit it as her low position and my sitting on the arm of the sofa makes me look like “Gargantu-momma”!!!!

    Me with the girls

    Jesse with the girls

    Jesse and I

    The guest room for the children (I figured *I’d* want to know where I’d be sleeping!)

    And, finally, one of me alone

    No really me alone.  That’s more like me with Jesse cropped out of the picture!

    We were waiting for Rissy to take the picture and tell us to smile and  he looked a little . . . um . .  . intimidating!  He’s such a friendly and nice person but absolutely DETESTS having his picture taken!  He panics and ends up looking a little gruff.

    So, what do you think? 

    Do we look friendly or scary?

  • Happy Birthday, Nikki!!!!!

    Today is our second oldest daughter’s birthday.  She lives in Colorado and it’s too far away to celebrate with her.  A “blog tribute” is the next best thing to being there!!!!

    Please visit her website and wish Nikki a happy birthday!

    This is a VERY OLD picture of Nikki, but we don’t have any that are more recent.  (Hint!  Hint, Nikki!)

    We pray you have a wonderful and enjoyable day celebrating your special day and that God touches your life and fills it with blessings for the next year!

    Your little sisters and JanaLyn send you Happy Birthday wishes, too!

    “Hiiiiiiiiiiii, Nikki!!!!  Happy Birthday!!!!!”

    Dad says, “Happy Birthday” too!

    And, a big Happy Birthday from me, too!

    We will try to call you later and will be sure to “bless you” (ROFLOL) with our P. Family Birthday Song!!!

    We love you!

  • It’s Fall Y’all

    Eeew, brrrrr, chill . .
    . NOW I feel like it is *REALLY*  fall.  Lots of frosty mornings.  Yesterday was
    cold and there was a heavy wind that blew the cold air, turning it into
    even colder air.

    We ended up using the
    fireplace for the first time this season.  I started a fire around 4pm as temperatures outside were beginning to drop.  My friend, Tangi, laughed and said she had her
    windows open.  She must have been dressed more warmly than we were dressed.  Everyone here was dressed to cover their flesh and even the
    pets were huddled up in blankets.  But, remember, the fall/winter clothes are still up in the attic!  We’re all happy for our electric blankets, that’s for sure! 
    And, Chirper sleeps UNDER my electric blanket with me!  Just purrs and
    purrs and stretches over and over again, rolling from side to side all night long.  It
    must warm him to the bone!!! 

    I’m trying to recall last week, when I
    was hot all the time – it’s only a faded memory!  BUT, I’m not complaining!

    One or two of the logs I put on, right before Jesse came home, must have been from a sappy wood.  The room became filled with smoke and I had to open windows and doors before the fire alarm went off.  Ours is hooked into our burglar system and the fire department is notified immediately when it goes off.  Embarrassingly, they’ve called me twice when something in the oven bubbled over and burned!  We covered the bird so she wouldn’t die from the smoke and aired the house out – which didn’t exactly make things warm!  It got warm again, soon enough, and we were all cozy – except for the house smelling like a forest fire when Jesse walked in!!!!

    Not an electric blanket, but Chirper’s doing all he can to stay warm!

    Stormy was pretty cuddly herself!

    The camera and my presence woke her up from a deep snooze!

    I baked a cake during the afternoon to help boost the warmth in the
    front of the house, which is where we stayed most of the day.  Luci wasn’t in a very good mood
    and missed the school classes held AFTER lunch.  No big deal.  She can
    learn about Wyoming in another book and at another time!  Her taking a nap was more
    important – trust me!  We did history and Bible and then called it quits.

    I was surprised that yesterday afternoon our new school books arrived.  I ordered them less than a week ago!  The girls were so excited!  So was I.  I
    guess it’s always refreshing to get something new.  We are very close
    to finishing 4 text books and what I ordered was science, health, and history.  The “Community Helpers” book we’ve used for two years isn’t offered in the higher grades.

    I sat in front of the fire going through the box of new books.  Just Stormy,  me,  and the fire!

    In addition to science, health, and history books,  I ordered two cursive writing books/tablets
    for Rissy.  Also, a neat little book for grades 1 – 6 to encourage
    correct oral grammar.  Example:  “Did you have your picture took?” or
    “Did you have your picture taken?”  I like it because it will last
    through so many grades.

    While I sat in front of the fire, I  got out some flash cards (from CLE or Pathway Publishers, I think) that I ordered a year ago.  I pulled the ones
    I want to use for Annamarie and Luci.  I have 4 stacks of cards, now.  Color words.  Number words.  And, some simple words with some connecting words, etc. that I want them to start learning.

    The bigger stack was what I held out to test Rissy. 

    I did that this morning when we first woke up.  I was amazed at how many words she knew.  She has trouble remembering some of the same words I remember giving me trouble, when I was learning to read/spell.  Like:  how and who.  That large stack on the far left is actually TWO sets of words because the backsides also contain words – sometimes two words together.  I’m impressed and not sure where she picked up such a vocabulary for reading – it certainly hasn’t been taught to her in school by me!  She’s not as good at phonics as Annamarie.  Annmarie can sound out a word, but still can’t grasp what she is really saying.  She’s so very close to reading – it makes me itch!

    Rissy has been reading textbooks (stories) at night and has made it to the second set in the series.  I believe those books may go with these flash cards and that’s how she’s learned the words.  I’m not sure if there is a list of how many words a child of 7 is supposed to know – but she knows more than I ever guessed.  She stumbles on a few words and some of those words are person’s names, like:  Levi and Rachel.  I don’t expect her to know names, not yet.

    Last night, while I went through the cards, I noticed Tango, the bird, all fluffed up to keep warm.  I kept the blanket on 3 sides of her cage for extra warmth.  When she saw the camera (which must look like a bird-eating machine to her) she straightened up and lost her “fluff” – so to speak!

    That’s her fuzzy fleece blanket on the left.

    I watched the evening news while I looked at our new books, enjoyed the pets, and enjoyed the fire.  So relaxing!

    Even old Sampson joined me in the warm and cozy room!

    Then again, it could have been the smell of the ham casserole cooking in the oven.  Where there’s food, there’s Sampson!

    The girls were young when we decided to quit eating pork and shellfish (to see if it made a difference in our health – and YES, it did) and they were worried “ham” would be nasty.  I told them it wasn’t bad if we didn’t eat it all the time, and I told them they would, most likely, enjoy the taste of the casserole.  They did.  In fact, my plan to serve leftovers tonight has flown out the window.  There aren’t enough leftovers from this week to serve a meal.  I’ll either have to pick up something when I go to the store, or go out to our freezer and stare with glazed eyes at the selection of chicken breasts or ground beef . . . chicken breasts or ground beef . . . chicken breasts or ground beef . . . you get the idea!  Of course, there is the occasional hot dog that I can use.  And I have *lots* of those after purchasing a gang load and freezing them in small baggies!  Beef roasts have become so expensive and that’s why we decided to add occasional pork meals back into our diet.  If my cholesterol and triglycerides go back up, I’ll know for sure we shouldn’t be eating it at all.

    Guess I should move from typing to getting myself ready to go this afternoon. 

    We only have a few tests to give in school today – not our biggest school day.  I’m thankful that we accomplished so much in such a short amount of time this week.  The girls hung in there through those grueling catch-up days and long hours of schooling!

    Be blessed  ~

  • Thursday Thirteen #39

    Again, not knowing how to plug pictures into the Thursday Thirteen format, you will see thirteen pictures from yesterday as my Thursday Thirteen entry.
    I will call it:

                                                               “Thirteen Things
                                                          About Our Wednesday”

    but, I extend my apologies to the “real” Thursday Thirteen people who created a format.

    1.  Jesse worked all day Wednesday hauling firewood home and then unloaded it and chopped/sawed some pieces into a size that will fit in our itsy bitsy fireplace.  Quite an impressive amount for one day!

    2.  Even more hangers and junk (and some folded laundry) inhabits my bar – which is NEVER clean and I’m not sure why I even try so hard to keep it clean.  I think I’m waiting for those winter clothes from the attic that will have to be hung up.  THEN I will dispose of the extra hangers on the bar.

    3.  The spillage from the bar goes down to the bar chairs, which now hold neatly folded summer clothes in Wal-Mart sacks, all of them ready to be taken up to the attic.

    4.  Annamarie practicing writing ordinal numbers in school.

    5.  Luci working in her math book.

    6.  Rissy studying a math chart and filling in the blanks.

    7.   I think I overworked Luci.  She bent over from her chair and just hung there.  Maybe she was hoping the blood would rush back into her brain, so she could think more clearly! (???)

    8.  Annamarie and Rissy taking a break.  Notice Rissy’s poor teeth?  4 missing and 1 growing in sideways!!!  Annamarie’s grew in even more crooked;, but, as you can see, they straightened out by the time they all arrived.

    9.  Luci happily taking a REAL and much needed break.

    10.   My planning book, 92 million textbooks, and lots of sweat and tears helped us catch up yesterday, when we did  2 1/2 days of school work in one afternoon.  A grueling task, but it is all ALL caught up except for Rissy’s language book.

    11.   For some reason my teaching about the Mississippi River, and then teaching them how I learned to spell it, hit all three of them funny.  All of them laughed so hard, they cried.  You can’t see it in Rissy’s picture, but, she laughed so hard, a vein bulged in her forehead.  The were seriously hysterical with laughter – all three of them!  A nice relief from the hard catching up push we were doing, but it was equally as hard to get them back under control.  Maybe they were all “slap happy” from the serious stuff we’d been doing for hours!


    12.  “I-S-S”

    13.  “I-P-P-I”

    So that, my friends, was my yesterday!